Reston Association Announces Election Results

Two new at-large Board members elected, one re-elected.

— Residents of Reston elected two new at-large members of the Reston Association Board of Directors Tuesday, Donna MIller Rostant and Michael Sanio. The two will replace directors Paul Thomas, who did not seek re-election and Tom Vis, who was not re-elected. Richard Chew, who served as an at large director until 2011 was elected after running unopposed for the South Lakes District director seat.

Miller Rostant was the highest vote-getter, with 2,810 votes, which is 24.7 percent of the votes cast for at-large candidates. She has lived in Reston for the past two years and has been involved in the Reston Triathlon, and Reston Runners Women's Distance Festival for the past 14 years. She said during her campaign that she wants to develop partnerships with developers to benefit Reston residents.

"The developers are willing to work with us to give us proffers. They want to be good community partners with Reston. We can haggle about placement of buildings and the number of stories, I'm convinced those things will work out. I think developing alternate partnerships and finding other sources of revenue is important."

Sanio moved to Reston in 2004. He garnered 2,707 votes, or 23.8 percent. He joined the Environmental Advisory Committee last year, and says he plans to use his professional experience with sustainability as Reston moves forward.

An active cyclist, Sanio also said he hopes to improve accessibility around the community.

"Bicycle and pedestrian access is a key issue for me," he said. "I would commit to work with the Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee and the Environmental Advisory Committee to find ways to influence, as part of new development and redevelopment in Reston, making bicycling and pedestrian access much more safe and easy."

Chew previously served from 2008 to 2011, and will take over the South Lakes seat from President Kathleen Driscoll McKee, who could not run due to term limits.