Applause in the Form of $1,500

First Night donates to school music programs.

First Night Alexandria's board of directors voted unanimously April 19 to make monetary contributions to the music programs at T.C. Williams High School and George Washington and Francis Hammond Middle Schools.

“These contributions just make sense,” said board chairman Kerry Donley. “We chose these particular groups since First Night is all about the performing arts.”

During the April board meeting, checks totaling $1,500 were presented to Brian Thomas, chair of the music department and band director at T.C. Williams High School. The funds are divided equally among the band, orchestra and choir.

Also receiving checks for $750 for their music programs were Anne Provencher of George Washington Middle School and Patricia Williamson of Francis Hammond Middle School.

Last December, two students from T.C. Williams played significant roles with First Night. Lauren McCracken, a senior, wrote the clues for the afternoon Fun Hunt. Keira Moran, a junior, was a performer at Nickells & Scheffler.

“We hope that these contributions today will encourage more of Alexandria's students to join in the effort to provide this fun, affordable event each year” said Donley.

In addition to the school contributions, First Night Alexandria has shared the success of the past two years with all of the performers.

“After several years of cold rainy weather and small crowds, all of the performers took a 10 percent cut in their fees to help us out,” said Executive Director Ann Doorman. “When the weather worked in our favor and the crowds swelled, we wanted to show our appreciation to the performers by giving each of them a small bonus.”