Sounds of Excellence in Vienna

American Youth Philharmonic Orchestras play with members of the Fairfax Symphony Orchestra at Vienna Presbyterian Church.

On Saturday, Feb. 25, members of the American Youth Philharmonic Orchestras had a rare opportunity to rehearse with 28 members of the Fairfax Symphony Orchestra in preparation for a side-by-side performance on Feb. 26 at Vienna Presbyterian Church. Comprising primarily middle school and high school students, members of the Concert Orchestra and Philharmonic Orchestra performed a program titled, "Fate’s Fortune."

"The two organizations, The American Youth Philharmonic Orchestras and the Fairfax Symphony Orchestra have a long collaborative history," said Executive Director of the American Youth Philharmonic Orchestras, Jack Walton, "but side-by-side performances such as this are rare."

"It is exciting and fun and we hope it is educationally meaningful for students to be playing side-by-side with professionals. I’d like to do it more," said Fairfax Symphony Orchestra Music Director and Conductor Christopher Zimmerman of the collaboration.

For more information about the American Youth Philharmonic Orchestras, go to their website Information about the Fairfax Symphony Orchestra can be found at