Wednesday, March 7, 2012
The Rotary Club of Vienna, Inc. one-ups Bill Gates. While Gates gives away most of his fortune, Rotary gives away all its fortune. Throughout the year, the service club donates to area nonprofits all the money it brings in through fundraising events, most notably, through ViVa! Vienna!, the annual three-day Memorial Day weekend festival. The Vienna Rotary is presenting checks of total value of $149,750 to 69 organizations in 2012, from local schools to program support for wounded veterans.
On Feb. 29 at its weekly luncheon meeting at Marco Polo restaurant, Rotary presented checks to Healing Waters and the Laurie Mitchell Employment Center.
Healing Waters, a fly-fishing therapy program targeting wounded veterans, particularly those afflicted with PTSD, was nominated by Rotarian Howard Svigals. "It’s exercise for vets recovering from severe injuries, and is good physical therapy," said Healing Waters CEO Warren Phillips. "These guys need confidence-building, relaxation and recreation. The program teaches them to fly-fish."
The Laurie Mitchell Employment Center [LMEC] in Alexandria, nominated by Rotarian Richard Lukens, gets participants, mainly those with mental disorders, "work ready," said Executive Director Marialice Williams. The center has rolled out a new tech-training program, Microsoft IT. LMEC trains more than 600 people a year.
The Rotary Club of Vienna, Inc. a chapter of Rotary International, meets Wednesdays at Marco Polo restaurant, 235 Maple Ave. West, at 12:15 p.m. Lunch, beginning at 12:15 p.m., is included in cost of membership or as a paid guest. The program includes Rotary business discussion, followed by the weekly presentation. The Rotary Foundation provides humanitarian assistance throughout the world.
For information on Rotary International and the Vienna chapter, see To contact the Rotary Club of Vienna, email, their preferred vehicle for correspondence. Prospective members and guests are welcome to join Rotary Club of Vienna at one of its weekly meetings.