Hope for the Holidays

Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign to run through Dec. 24.

— The familiar sound of the Salvation Army bell is again being heard as volunteers take to the streets of Alexandria for the 2012 Red Kettle campaign.

“Donations received in the Red Kettles make a huge difference in the lives of many,” said Alexandria Salvation Army board Chairman Walter Clarke. “It does not matter how small or large your donation — it is greatly appreciated.”

This year's campaign officially kicked off Nov. 9 and will run citywide through Dec. 22 with a special Christmas Eve kettle set up at Market Square. Every dollar received in an Alexandria kettle remains in the community to support local programs and services.

Citing a 15 percent increase in need for services, the Salvation Army is asking donors to consider additional giving when contributing to this year's Red Kettle campaign.

“I encourage everyone to consider additional giving this year to help us respond to the increase in need in our community,” Clarke said. “Your donation will support services including the Emergency Disaster Services mobilizing canteens, which feed and hydrate first responders and survivors during disasters, and many other programs which are all made possible because of your generous donations.”

For more information, call 703-836-2427 or visit www.salvationarmynca.org/alexandria.