EnviroSolutions Awarded for Contributions

Waste disposal company recognized for support of Workhouse Arts Center.

The Arts Council of Fairfax County presented their Arts Philanthropy Award to EnvrioSolutions for its extensive financial suport of the Workhouse Arts Center in Lorton. EnviroSolutions committed approximately $750,000 in cash donations, more than $100,000 in in-kind donations and hundreds of staff hours.

“We focused on art philanthropy for a couple reasons. First and foremost it gave us a channel to cover everyone from children to retirees,” said Conrad Mehan, vice president with EnviroSolutions and board member at the workhouse. “We saw it as a way to give back that would touch almost every nearby resident.”

The center is part of the former Lorton Prison, which was purchased by Fairfax County in 2002. In 2004, 55 acres of the portion was designated for the center.

“Arts is about a strong economic base. When companies want to relocate, they look at a thing like this,” Mehan said. “Arts are an opportunity to build a relationship with the community.”

The workhouse center consists of seven studio buildings, a main gallery and a youth arts center. More than 100 artists work at the center, which also includes the performing arts such as theater, film, music and dance.

An event center, amphitheater, Workhouse Theatre, apartments, restaurants and more are being planned.

EnviroSolutions is a solid waste collection, transfer, disposal and recycling company. In addition to the Arts Council, they support organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, the Northern Virginia Conservation Trust, the Lorton Community Action Center, Fairfax Partnership for Youth and the Lorton Arts Foundation.