Play ball

Nats fans design a tribute to their favorite team — in their bathroom.

When two Bethesda, homeowners decided to update their tiny master bathroom, they opted to create a whimsical tribute to one of their favorite sports teams. Just in time for the start of baseball season, the couple turned their bathroom into a “stadium” that pays tribute to the Washington Nationals.

The designers who created the fanciful lavatory said the project put their creative acumen to the test. “The biggest design challenge was incorporating the inherent fun that comes in a themed design with the sophistication appropriate for a master bathroom,” said T.J. Monahan, general manager of online remodeling at Case Design/Remodeling, Inc.

The shower walls are sheathed with tiles that form a map of Nationals Park and the team’s “W” logo. The shower curtain is custom-made and emblazoned with a “Go Nats” design.

“The stadium tiles in the shower were easy since they were the same thickness as the surrounding tile. The floor tile was a challenge as it is different thicknesses,” said Loren Sanders, project manager, Case Design/Remodeling, Inc.

The green glass tile on the bathroom floor simulates the look of grass, while tile cut to resemble home plate and batters’ boxes sits in front of the vanity.

“We used a custom blended mosaic tile for the floor, and a mixture of stock tile and custom ceramic tile in the shower,” Monahan explained.

The owners purchased baseball bats, including one that Nationals second baseman Danny Espinosa broke during a game, to hang on the bathroom’s walls.

Creating this bathroom may have cost about 25 percent more than remodel of a similar-sized bathroom, but the homeowners say the love they have for the game and their home team makes the higher price tag worthwhile.