Tysons Interim Parking Agreement Approved

Located next to McLean Station, 711-space proposal is the first approved by county.

— The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors approved the first agreement for an interim commuter parking lot for Silver Line users in Tysons Corner Tuesday, July 30.

The site at 1820 Dolley Madison Road is adjacent to the McLean station, the easternmost in Tysons Corner. It currently features 293 surface parking lots and an empty three-story office building.

The property owners, Cityline Partners, plan to remove the building and replace it with 418 parking spaces, bringing the total number of commuter parking spots to 711.

The agreement approved by the Board of Supervisors stipulates that all costs associated with the construction, maintenance and operation of the parking lot must be furnished by Cityline, who will also determine the fees that will be charged and retain all fees collected.

All 711 parking spaces must be available for commuter parking from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday. The agreement does not preclude Cityline from providing additional weeknight and weekend parking hours.

"I’m glad the empty lot and building will be used to help encourage the use of the McLean station," said Barney Wichers of McLean. "I figure the McLean station is going to be the main one used by McLean and Great Falls residents, since we’ll be able to get there without getting too deep into Tysons. So it’s important to have plenty of parking there, and there didn’t seem to be too many other options."

The agreement is the culmination of a process that began in June 2010 with the approval of the Tysons Comprehensive Plan by the Board of Supervisors. Supervisor John Foust (D-Dranesville) added a follow on motion to the plan that "directs staff to explore options for providing commuter parking at Metrorail stations in Tysons Corner."

Foust’s motion called for the commuter parking to be provided "on an interim basis until Tysons development reaches a level where such commuter parking is not practical or desirable."

The Board of Supervisors issued the request for proposals in November 2012, to which Cityline replied:

"Eventually Tysons will be a transit-oriented, walkable community with circulator bus systems serving the stations," said Board of Supervisors Chair Sharon Bulova. "In the meantime, however, neighbors of Tysons who wish to take advantage of the new rail stations may need a place to park in order to take the train. Cityline’s interim parking project is a bridge solution, designed to encourage ridership on the Silver Line during its early years as development in and around Tysons is filling in."

The agreement approved by the Board of Supervisors will last for 10 years, but can be terminated by either the county or Cityline with 60 days written notice.

The agreement also states that the county will agree not to terminate within five years without cause. Causes include the parking lot being operated in an unsafe manner, poor maintenance or violation of state or county laws, or applicable zoning ordinances.

The new lot is expected to be open by the time Silver Line operations begin in early 2014.