Herrity’s Top Local Issues for 2014

Supervisor Pat Herrity (R-Springfield) talks about what he believes will be the top issues this year in Fairfax County:

  1. Relieving transportation congestion: Transportation will continue to be a major issue in 2014, but will not be focused on finding funding. Some major transportation issues will be:

  2. Making sure that the funding from the new transportation bill is spent on the projects that give us the most congestion relief and biggest impact for our taxpayer dollars.

  3. Getting an Express Lanes-like solution to I-66 congestion underway that will bring congestion relief and effective mass transit and carpooling to the most congested corridor in the region

  4. Examining the possibility of having Braddock Road reclassified in the state system to a primary road – like we did with the Fairfax County Parkway – to ensure more state dollars for improvements and maintenance, and

  5. Moving forward my proposal for a Corridor Improvement Study on the Fairfax County Parkway to develop and rank the best solutions to parkway congestion, including widening and grade-separated interchanges.

  6. Defeating the threat of Residential Studio Units (RSUs) to our suburban neighborhoods: There has been some progress in keeping the problems caused by the density of the RSUs from our suburban neighborhoods, but there is more to be fixed in the proposed ordinance. The Planning Commission will make its recommendations early in the year. We need to protect our suburban neighborhoods.

  7. Preparing for the age wave: As Chairman of the 50 Plus Committee, I will be working with the Board of Supervisors to prepare a new 50+ plan to prepare for the age wave, as the baby boomers are hitting their 50s and 60s. Fairfax County will see an 88-percent increase in residents over the age of 70 by 2030.

  8. Fighting debilitating Lyme Disease: 2014 will see us continue our efforts to fight Lyme disease. Although the pilot on the four-poster deer-bait station that I requested will not be complete until early 2015, 2014 will mark the final year of the pilot, and the data collected will be pivotal in seeing whether or not these stations could be a tool we could use to eradicate this debilitating disease in our area.

  9. Combating sex trafficking: This ugly business has increased as gangs have found it more profitable than weapon and drug sales. 2014 should see us fight back against this crime with the new Human Trafficking Unit that Fairfax County installed to work with our regional partners. And I’m sure we will see further efforts to eradicate this terrible crime from tireless advocates Congressman Frank Wolf and Del. Barbara Comstock."