Wednesday, July 10, 2013
ArtSpace Herndon has opened the annual Town of Herndon Calendar Exhibit, featuring finalists from the 2014 Town of Herndon Calendar Competition. “It is a good show, the quality of these photos is great,” said ArtSpace Director Dale McGrath.
“This exhibit shows the great charm of our little town,” said Mercia Hobson. “Each piece is a statement of the artists heart and soul." Hobson is vice president of the Board of Directors for the Herndon Foundation for the Cultural Arts.
“We had quite a few entrants, like a total of 130 photos entered,” said Public Outreach Assistant Brenda Page. Page has been working with ArtSpace Herndon for more than a year. “We chose 60 photos and had 30 finalists. We are encouraging people to come vote for the people’s choice photo. The last day to vote for that will be July 26. We also will have a reception on July 27 and will announce the 12 photos gracing the calendar.”
“The judges will also have a few photos of their own on exhibit in the side gallery,” said Page.
Competition judges Carla Steckley and Lee Love will evaluate the photographs submitted to the competition and pick the finalists. For this competition, professional and amateur photographers aged 16 and older were invited to submit entries. Subjects for all entries had to be located within the corporate limits of the Town of Herndon, with special consideration given to entries depicting people participating in seasonal and community events.
“There are a lot of town events represented in the gallery. These include the Herndon Festival, Herndon Market and Friday Night Live. And all four seasons are shown as well,” said Page. The exhibit closes on Aug. 4. To learn more about ArtSpace Herndon visit their webpage at