Sengel Honored

SAR presents Law Enforcement award.

The George Washington Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution awarded the Law Enforcement Commendation Medal to Commonwealth's Attorney S. Randolph Sengel for his distinguished career enforcing the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Sengel was presented the award April 27 in a ceremony at Belle Haven Country Club. He has served as a prosecutor in Alexandria since 1979 and was first elected Commonwealth's Attorney in 1997.

In addition to leading the city's Commonwealth's Attorney's office, Sengel was appointed by the Governor of Virginia to serve on the Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission and the Virginia Forensic Science Board, which he chaired for two terms. He currently serves on the board of the Commonwealth's Attorneys' Services Council, the state agency which provides training to Virginia prosecutors. He also serves the community as a board member of the Center for Alexandria's Children and a member of the Alexandria Community Criminal Justice Board.

A resident of Alexandria since 1960, he is a graduate of T.C. Williams High School. He has a B.A. from Williams College and a J.D. from the University of Virginia Law School. He also attended the Yale Divinity School.

The award read in part: “Mr. Sengel's outstanding service to his community and state represent the finest traditions of the legal profession and the law enforcement community, and he brings great credit to himself, the City of Alexandria, the Commonwealth of Virginia and the United States of America.”