Herndon Joins Bike To Work Day

On Friday, May 17, the Town of Herndon hosted a bike pit stop close between the Herndon Depot Train Museum and old Town Hall, just off the W&OD trail.

Herndon’s bike pit stop was one of 70 pit stops throughout D.C., Maryland and Virginia where bikers could receive refreshments and have their bikes serviced in case they needed repair. Town Mayor Lisa Merkel and several town council members stopped by as the morning progressed.

This was all part of Bike To Work Day, the annual celebration of commuting to work using two wheels instead of a car. The Washington Area Bicyclist Association reports more than 14,000 people registered for the event, up from the 12,000 who signed up last year.

Participants were encouraged to register for the event and then check in at one of the pit stops. According to the director of the Herndon Park and Recreation Department, Cindy S. Roeder, the Town of Herndon went from 277 registered riders last year to 303 registered riders this year.

“This is our fifth year in Herndon,” said Roeder. “The point is to get people to realize that biking is an alternative to get to work. In addition it is a great opportunity to get some exercise and get outside. It is good for the environment and good for people’s health.”

The biking store A-1 Cycling was the first bike shop sponsor for the Town of Herndon and helped begin the Herndon bike pit stop. In 2013, the bike and coffee shop Green Lizard Cycling opened a lease at the Nachman Building in downtown Herndon on 718 Lynn St. “We now have two great supports in Green Lizard and in A-1. We also have community groups that come and participate,” said Roeder. “We have a great representation of people who are passionate about biking.”

Brad Kendall, an employee at Green Lizard, was working at the store’s booth. “From 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. was our busiest period. Since we are a new shop, being here helps expose our name to the community a bit more.”

MOM’s Organic Market also had a booth at the Herndon bike stop. General manager of the Herndon store, J.P. Exon, handed out refreshments including bananas and coconut milk to bike commuters. “It was great to see how many people take an alternative method to work, even runners,” said Exon.

John Rosenberger biked in from Leesburg, stopping at the Herndon bike pit stop. “The trail is perfect, a buddy of mine and I rode in. If I wasn’t so lazy I would bike to work more often.” Rosenberger was pleased with the level of engagement provided at the Herndon pit stop. “They always do a good job, it is a great thing.”