Great Falls Voters Speak

Great Falls Voters: Who Did You Vote for and Why?

— “I support the Democratic candidates, who I believe will uphold women’s rights. I was in college when Roe v. Wade happened, and I don’t want to see us go back there. I believe in the expansion of Medicaid and the availability of health insurance for as many people as possible.”

— Debbie Turner

“I’m a strong supporter of Ken Cuccinelli. He’s an extremely principled man who would be an exceptional governor. A lot of people aren’t aware of the good he’s done for this state and for Fairfax County.”

— Kay Adams

“Del. Barbara Comstock has done a lot for our children and their education. As a mother of a senior and freshman in high school, that’s what I’m interested in. She’s a proven leader, and votes the way I like on issues important to my family.”

— Carolyn Cuppernull

“Del. Comstock has been very effective in securing more in-state college spots, which is a big deal for a lot of people. And I think Ken Cuccinellu is one of the most principled men in the state, and he’ll work hard to protect our rights.”

— Carla Lanzara

“I’m in favor of access to health and mental care for the underserved communities, particularly women, who often don’t get the care and counseling they need. And I think Kathleen Murphy will work for those interests.”

— Jane Wright-Simpson

“It’s very important to continue to support the rights of gay, lesbian and transgender people. I’m in favor of all the lefty issues, and as the mother of daughters, I just don’t think Barbara Comstock represents my moral ground. Her vote for transvaginal ultrasounds is unforgivable.”

- Amy Augenblick