Colvin Run Opens New Playground

Addition features reading garden, new blacktop, reading benches.

— Students, parents, teachers and administrators at Colvin Run Elementary School celebrated the opening of their new playground Wednesday, Oct. 23. The renovation doubled the footprint of the original playground, replacing a fenced baseball with a new blacktop, swing set and other features.

Planning for the project began last year, and construction started in August, and while the students could play on the existing equipment during the build, they couldn’t be kept away from the new pieces once installed and secured.

“This project was made possible because of the time, ideas and collaboration from students, parents and staff,” said Principal Kenneth Junge. “All of the students are the inspiration for this project, and we’re thrilled we could make this happen for them.”

The project also included the addition of a new blacktop area, reading gardens and commemorative benches. The benches are engraved with several names, including former principal Stephen Hockett and former student Erik Seewald, who passed away in May at the age of 13.

The benches also contain the words “honesty,” “compassion,” “respect,” “responsibility” and “courage” on them.

“We hope these character traits are engraved in the benches, and by the time these students graduate, we hope it’s ingrained in them,” Junge said.

The school’s Parent Teacher Organization started the initiative to fund and build the playground.