Spring Hill RECenter Set For Renovation

New fitness center, basketball court, renovated facilities part of $7.1 million project.

— The Spring Hill RECenter in McLean will be renovated and expanded by 36,000 square feet over the next year and a half. The project, which was funded through the 2012 Park Bond, will commence with a groundbreaking ceremony Saturday, Sept. 21.

"We’re very excited about the project. It’s been on the master plan since 1984, and was included in the revisions in 1988 and 2003. Each time the master plan has been modified, an expansion of the gym has been a high priority," said Supervisor John Foust (D-Dranesville). "Over the next 18 months, the center will still be open and useable, and at the end of that period, we’ll have a brand new gym and more."

The project will consist of a new addition of approximately 36,000 square feet, and the renovation of approximately 7,500 square feet of the existing building.

THE ADDITION WILL INCLUDE a 15,000-square-foot high-school basketball court with two overlay basketball courts and an overlay volleyball court. There will be a running track that is elevated above the basketball court, a 14,600 square foot, two story fitness center and 400 square feet of new office space.

The renovations of existing space will include: converting the existing fitness room into a multipurpose room, five new family change cabanas, renovation of the locker room showers, enclosing of the mezzanine, which will be turned into a multipurpose room, a new control desk, new office space, new flooring and painting.

The project will be spread out over four phases, which will break ground Saturday, Sept. 21, and is expected to continue through February 2015.

The first phase will consist of building the new fitness center and adjoining spaces, and will run through December 2014. The second phase will renovate the existing locker rooms and run from August 2014 to November 2014.

The third phase will involve the construction of the new family change cabanas, and will run from August 2014 to November 2014. The fourth phase will involve the renovation of the existing fitness center, and go from December 2014 to February 2015.

During construction the RECenter will remain open, with the exception of three separate 24-hour closures over the course of the project, which are to be determined.

The pool will be closed during the center’s biannual shutdown for six weeks from August to September 2014. The existing fitness center will be in operation until the new one is completed and open for use.

Brian Laws, site operations manager with the Fairfax County Park Authority, said they plan to have an open house with local athletic clubs to determine usage of the expanded indoor facilities, and they will work to balance uses between county programs, youth sports and regular use.

SPRING HILL FITNESS DIRECTOR John Bartok said that the new fitness center will include cardio equipment such as treadmills, ellipticals, seated ellipticals, upright and recumbent exercise bicycles and rowers.

There will also be a section with selectorized weight equipment and free weights.

The total cost of the project is $7.111 million, which is funded by the 2012 Park Bond.

According to Melissa Emory, a project manager with the park authority, construction will be mostly confined to between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. during the week. She said there could be some night work, and ample notice will be given to the community when necessary.