Herndon Celebrates Winter Holidays

Weather does not hinder holiday celebrations.

Wet weather did not prevent celebrations planned on Saturday, Dec. 6 in downtown Herndon. Although it rained throughout most of the day, spirits remained bright at the Industrial Strength Theatre and Herndon Fortnightly Library, where winter holiday events were taking place. Videotaping many of the Saturday events were volunteers with Herndon Community Television HCTV, the nonprofit, cable access PEG station based in Herndon.

At Industrial Strength Theatre at 269 Sunset Park Drive, the Towne Square Singers put on their annual holiday concert with performances from Friday, Dec. 5 to Sunday, Dec 7. The Herndon Towne Square Singers are a community chorus sponsored by the Town of Herndon Parks and Recreation Department. Many members hail from the Town of Herndon and others come from surrounding communities in Fairfax and Loudoun counties.

The Herndon Fortnightly Library, located on Center Street, held an open house on Dec. 6. “In addition to celebrating the holidays, we are celebrating the 75th anniversary of Fairfax County Public Library,” said library branch manger Laura Raymond. The event included children's crafts, light refreshments, and live entertainment by guitarist Tom Hatcher from local music school, Bach to Rock. The event was cosponsored by the Friends of the Herndon Fortnightly Library and the Council for the Arts of Herndon. Storyteller Gary Lloyd, a former employee of Fairfax County Public Library, told the story of Fairfax County Public Library over the last 75 years with an emphasis on Herndon. “I loved my time at the library,” said Lloyd. “When you were behind the information desk, you were learning something every day.”

Also on Saturday, the Herndon Community Center (HCC) held their first ever Canoe Ride With Santa. This inaugural event was for ages 3-12, and was an opportunity for youngsters to go on a canoe ride in the indoor community center pool with Santa Claus. Assisting Santa this year was Herndon Pool Manager Andrew Kreutter. “It was a very fun experience helping Santa,” said Kreutter. “It will probably be repeated next year.” On Dec. 13, HCC will host A Storybook Holiday Brunch for ages 3 to 8.

The day finished with caroling by members of the Herndon High School band and Herndon Elementary Choir Club at the annual tree lighting in downtown Herndon, at the corner of Lynn and Elden Streets. An increase in rainfall hastened the musical event. Town of Herndon Mayor Lisa Merkel turned on the switch to light the town Christmas tree. Also attending the event were Herndon Town Council members David Kirby, Sheila Olem, and Grace Wolf. "The tree lighting and Santa's arrival is another fun hometown event that our family looks forward to every year," said Mayor Merkel.

A fire engine arrived with lights and sirens, bringing Santa Claus to visit and give candies to children in the crowd. Another upcoming holiday themed event in the Town of Herndon is a toy train display at the Herndon Municipal Center on Dec. 13, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Dec. 14, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. The Herndon High School choir will present a free evening Winter Concert at the school auditorium on Dec. 18 at 7 p.m.