Thursday, February 20, 2014
"No cast member goes on stage while tech crew is doing operations," said Catherine "Cassie" Szymczyk.
Szymczyk was speaking to cast members rehearsing for the upcoming production of "Robin Hood and the Heroes of the Sherwood Forest". Szymczyk and Veronica McGrath are two Herndon High seniors working as artistic directors for the show’s production at the school auditorium.
"Everyone knows about the story of Robin Hood, so it is fun to bring Robin to life on the stage," said McGrath. This will be the first time McGrath has directed a play, although she had provided stage support to other drama productions. "Hands down, theatre is my passion," said McGrath. "Directing is something I will continue to pursue."
The show is sponsored by the Herndon High School Drama Boosters, and although the show’s target audience is children, it will be entertaining for all ages. "It is going to be a wonderful show because of all the hard work put into the production," said senior Jacob Snellbaker. Snellbaker is the company’s stage manager, master carpenter, and tech director.
The one challenge has been missing several rehearsal days due to recent winter snowstorms. "Missing a week has been hard, but the cast is incredible, and willing to do anything to bring this show to life," said Snellbaker. "This will definitely be a show worthwhile to see. I am proud of this production."
Sophmore Nathan Burns will be playing Robin Hood. "I was excited because I really like archery," said Burns. "The production will be humorous, but will also have classical elements of the Robin Hood story… I enjoy the other members of the cast as they are all committed to the show." The role of Little John is going to Anna Hughes, also a sophomore. "It is just so much fun," said Hughes. "The play has some unexpected humor… there will also be some fighting scenes."
"I am proud of how hard our artistic directors have worked," said Zoe Dilllard, Herndon High director.
The show will have two acts and an intermission. Production dates will be Friday, Feb. 21 at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, Feb. 22 at 10 a.m. Tickets: $5. To learn more, visit