Parties, Action Continue At Reston Pools

Reston Association holds 4th of July party and other events.

The afternoon on July 4 there was a community party at Lake Newport Pool in Reston. With mild weather the event was well attended and DJ Akhil with Dream Day DJs provided musical entertainment. A craft table was set up for children, and a hula hoop contest was held. The July 4th party is one of several summer events scheduled at Reston pools.

The Reston Association operates 15 outdoor pools within Reston. The largest of these pools is the Lake Newport Pool, Reston's only Olympic sized 50--meter pool. “We do events at Reston pools throughout the year,” said Toni Bruno, a seasonal worker for the Reston Association and college student at Radford University. “Kids love it, and the Newport pool is a great area for grilling out.”

AMONG OTHER UPCOMING EVENTS is a cookout at Hunters Woods Pool, at 2501 Reston Parkway scheduled Wednesday, July 30. This cookout will be co-sponsored by the Reston Association and the Reston Community Center. Hot dogs, hamburgers, chips and drinks are provided along with live music. Ice cream socials are planned for Monday, July 14, 2 p.m. at Shadowood Pool, at 2201 Springwood Drive, and Monday, July 21, 2 p.m. at Ridge Heights Pool at 11400 Ridge Heights Road.

On July 15, at Reston North Hills pool there will be a movie event for kids and families. The movie to be shown is Despicable Me 2, and is scheduled to begin at 8:30 p.m. Members of Reston Association with pool and tennis passes can bring a guest for a fee. “We have about 30 events that we host throughout the pools,” said Laura A. Kowalski, Deputy Director for Recreation with Reston Association. Pool and tennis passes may be purchased online in the Shop RA section or in person at the Reston Association main office, located at 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive.

An End of Summer Pool Party is scheduled for Friday, Aug. 15, (Rain Date: Aug. 16) 4-7 p.m. This free event will be held at Golf Course Island Pool, 11301 Links Drive. The pool party will have food, entertainment and fun for the whole family. Local nonprofit Cornerstones will also be hosting a Back to School Drive at this event which will be co-sponsored by Reston Community Center.

THE RESTON ASSOCIATION is affiliated with the Reston Swim Team Association (RSTA), a year-round swim league open to all swimmers between the ages of 6 and 18. The summer league brings together up to 990 swimmers from the greater Reston area. These swimmers practice and compete on nine teams with up to 110 swimmers per team. During the course of a season from late May to the end of July, swimmers practice almost daily and compete in six dual meets, an Individual Medley meet, and a select All-Star meet. Coaches for each team are hired each summer. Many are current or former RSTA swimmers.

“With 15 swimming pools and different amenities at different sites, there really are pools for all different types of people,” said Kowalski. “We try to make sure that there are programs for everyone to have fun during the summer.” Dylan Graham has enjoyed his seasonal job as a lifeguard at Lake Newport Pool. “You get to know all sorts of people, learn leadership roles and have fun in the sun,” said Graham. For more information on the Reston Association, visit