Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Reston Association hosted a home and garden expo at Reston Association headquarters on October 11. “We look forward to hosting this event annually as we see it as a service to the community,” said Cate Fulkerson, Reston Association CEO. Experts in home and garden care were present to answer questions.
“My company likes to reach out to their clients,” said Jesse Morrow, a realtor representing Reston-based National Realty. An advantage to owning a Reston home is the protective covenants included in the Reston Deed of Dedication. When residents purchase property, they agree to comply with the property covenants and help maintain the design standard established for Reston properties.
For more than 30 years, Reston properties have retained their beauty and usefulness because property owners participate in the design review process. A Design Review Board panel meets to review applications every Tuesday evening, except for the third Tuesday of the month, holidays, and inclement weather. The full Design Review Board meets on the third Tuesday of the month.
In order for an application to be reviewed at a panel meeting, the completed application must be scheduled at least one week in advance for one of the nine available appointment times.
“We feel this event draws the residents of Reston in, and it is a good resource for the residents,” said Anna Varone, Director of Covenants Administration. “We want to make it available to them on an annual basis.”
Amelia Vallone Logan, owner of Reston-based Amelia Vallone Interiors gave an afternoon presentation on color trends in interior design. “There is no bad color; only bad use of color,” said Vallone. “It has been a really great event, we are glad to be here,” said Jeff Houk, a certified inspector with Pest Management Services Incorporated.
APPROXIMATELY 300 PEOPLE visited the Reston Association offices to obtain information and speak with vendors and representatives. On Thursday, Oct. 23 the Reston Association Board of Directors will be holding public hearing during its regular 6 p.m. meeting to receive comments on the issues of the proposed 2015 budget updates.
For more information on Reston Association visit