Tuesday, April 14, 2015
The Board of Supervisors honored McLean High School's girls gymnastics team for winning the Virginia High School League 6A state championship, the team's first.
"Congratulations on an extraordinary accomplishment. I realize this is the first time McLean High School has won the state championship. Is that correct?" said Supervisor Foust.
"We're going to do it again next year, is that also correct?" asked Supervisor Foust.
The entire team school stood with their coach, Courtney Lesson, before the Board on Tuesday, April 7 in Fairfax.
"Not only are they great competitors, but they are truly supportive of one another," said Lesson. "They have a great work ethic and team spirit."
Lesson thanked the McLean community, parents, friends, families and the McLean High School administration, including Dr. Ellen Riley, principal; Jim Patrick, director of student activities; Fernando Belli, assistant director of student activities.
"Great job ladies. I'm so proud of you on everything you have accomplished this year," said Lesson. "And thank you for having us here today."
"We love bringing you before the Board for a number of reasons," said Foust. "First, obviously, is recognition for winning a state championship, that's an amazing accomplishment that makes us very proud. What really makes us most proud is the quality of students we have at McLean High school and the wonderful wonderful student athletes that you all are."
The team was congratulated just after Mount Vernon Woods Elementary School students sang for the Board.
"Feel free at any time to sing your school song," said Supervisor Jeff McKay.