Tuesday, April 28, 2015
*1988 Kirby Road
Sunrise LLC - SE2014-DR-068
Sunrise Development, Inc. seeks a special exception to permit an assisted living facility on a 3.7 acre property zoned R-1 at 1988 Kirby Road. Sunrise seeks to develop approximately 73 assisted living units in a 40,309 square foot building at 1988 Kirby Road. Planning and Zoning is scheduled to review the application at its hearing on June 18, 2015. Planning staff are scheduled to make its recommendation and report on June 3, 2015.
See http://ldsnet.fairfaxcounty.gov/ldsnet/ZAPSMain.aspx?cde=SE&seq=4195655
*6862 Elm Street
RZ 2012-DR-019
FDP 2012-DR-0217
On July 1, 2014, the Board of Supervisors approved this mixed-use project on a 4.43 parcel at 6862 Elm Street for a 263,806 square foot, 240-unit, 73-foot-tall multifamily residential building with retail space. The existing 90-foot tall office building (109,600 square feet) will be retained and a ground floor addition will be made for 7,010 square feet of retail use. The proposal includes 595 underground parking spaces, 73 surface parking spaces and 35 percent open space. The proposal rezoned the parcel in the Community Business center from C-3 to Planned Residential Mixed Use.
*McLean Community Center
1234 Ingleside Avenue
Construction to renovate McLean Community Center is scheduled to begin in the fall of 2016 and will be completed by 2018. The renovation will add 7,750 square feet, including a fitness room. County planners, the architects, and MCC staff have scheduled a public meeting on May 12, 2015 to give residents an opportunity to review final details before the proposal is submitted to Planning and Zoning. The McLean Community Center was built in 1974 when centers were designed similar to schools, "institutional facilities that could withstand all sorts of abuse," said architect Greg Lukmire. An open courtyard, natural lighting throughout the building, open lobby and hallway, and a glassy facade on the back to allow connectivity between the library, outdoors, and center are planned. "It's set in an environment that is natural and quite lovely," said Lukmire, at a community meeting this month.
*1609 Great Falls Street
Lewinsville Senior Center
Plans to renovate the former 1965 Lewinsville Elementary School date back to 2003 for this 8.66 acre property on Great Falls Street. The Board of Supervisors assumed ownership in 1985 and created 22 units of affordable independent senior housing, a senior center, adult day care and child day care. The Board of Supervisors approved the renovation this past March for Wesley Hamel to build 82 units of independent residential housing. The county will renovate the senior center, the adult day care and two childcare centers. Construction is scheduled to begin in Spring 2016 and residents are scheduled to move back into their homes in the Fall of 2017.
*6520 Georgetown Pike
Langley High School Renovation
Three more years of construction at Langley High School will completely modernize the McLean/Great Falls school that was originally built in the 1960s. Fairfax County voters approved the $68 million project in a 2013 bond referendum. The School Board awarded $60 million to Dustin Construction last November. Langley High School continues to give updates on renovation progress on its website at fcps.edu/LangleyHS
*1437 Balls Hill Road
McLean Government Center
A $20 million project to renovate and expand McLean Government Center at 1437 Balls Hill Road is scheduled for completion this year. The center houses the Fairfax County Police Department's McLean Station, Board of Supervisor John Foust, McLean Visitor Center and the McLean Chamber of Commerce. The renovation expands the facility from 21,600 square feet to 39,200 square feet. Foust's office is currently located in the McLean Square Shopping Center during renovations.
*856 and 872 Dolley Madison Boulevard
SE 2014-DR-072
PS Holdings, LLC seeks a special exception to allow a private school of general education on this 3.3 acre property zoned R-1. The applicant originally proposed to serve 250 pre-kindergarten through sixth grade in a 21,5741 square foot building. Based on staff and community concerns the applicant is revising the scope of the project. Planning and Zoning has currently scheduled a public hearing on the application for Oct. 1, 2015 and a staff report is scheduled to be made in September. See http://ldsnet.fairfaxcounty.gov/ldsnet/ZAPSMain.aspx?cde=SE&seq=4195830.