Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Vienna pet-parents talk about the special bonds they share with family pets – living or in-memory.
Lu Cousins: “My sweet little Lizzie asked me to bring her home withme from the Fairfax County Animal Shelter. I had reservations: she was 7 years old and there was no doubt she was loved and pampered by her previous housemate who had to surrender her when she went to live out her final days in a nursing home. I was worried that Lizzie would miss her, wouldn't bond with me, and wouldn't love me. And besides that, all my previous four-legged buddies were named starting with the letter M. How does Lizzie work into this equation? But as I learned -- whatever Lizzie asked for, Lizzie got. She marched into my home, checked out every nook and cranny and said, "This is great! I will love being here." And so our love affair began. She followed me every step I took. When I came back in the house, even if it was from taking the trash to the curb, there were a thousand questions waiting for me by the door. She inspected everything that came into the house and always declared that it was wonderful and she loved it. She told me when it was time to go to bed and insisted that I follow her. She was what is called a velcro cat and was exactly what I needed at that time in my life. Lizzie died a short year later, probably, to be with the lovely person who couldn't keep her during her last days on earth, but she has forever put her little pawprint on my heart.”
Tracey Zillian: “Annie is our third German shepherd and the second dog we have gotten from the Virginia German Shepherd Rescue. We weren't really looking to get another dog, since we had a cat and life was pretty easy. On Dec. 19, 2012, I was helping a woman on Facebook who was hoping to get a white German shepherd. I gave her the link to the rescue's website, and then wanting to make sure the link was working, I clicked on it. There was Annie and two days after Christmas we were on the road to Roanoke to pick her up. She is the sweetest girl. She has never met a person or another dog that she didn't like. She loves seeing other dogs on TV, although she is puzzled when they disappear. When she sees someone on the other side of our fence, she jumps with excitement and both of her back legs are six inches off the ground. She has kept us entertained for a little over two years now. I don't know how anyone could resist that picture. It sure worked for our family, although she is over 90 pounds now.”
Cindy Stewart: “Buzz and I are blessed to have Blackie the cat (age 18 months) join our feline household. He was rescued by the Humane Society of Fairfax County when he was a kitten and spent several months at a veterinary hospital to receive treatment for ringworm. Along with his two brothers, he was scheduled to be euthanized at a high-kill shelter out of the area. All were saved. Blackie received magnificent care at the hospital and the Humane Society. He is an impish, affectionate purr-box with a rascal streak. Along with several other adorable companion animals, Blackie appeared on the cover of Caffe Amouri's 2015 Pet Calendar.”
--Donna Manz