Where To Vote

On June 9, Alexandria citizens can vote in the Democratic Primary for 45th District Virginia House of Delegates and Alexandria’s Mayoral Election. The 45th District covers all Alexandrians in Old Town, Carlyle, Del Ray, and residents of the West End north of King Street. To vote, citizens must have a photo identification card, which can include:

  • A valid Virginia Driver’s License or ID card

  • DMV issued Veteran’s ID

  • United States Passport

  • Other Virginia or Federal Government issued ID card

  • Valid college or university photo ID from a school in Virginia

  • An employee identification card

  • Or a Virginia Voter Photo ID

Absentee voter ballots must be received by the Voter Registration Office by 7 p.m. on Election Day and can be delivered either by mail or in person. Absentee voters can also vote in person until June 6 at the Office of Voter Registration and Elections at 132 North Royal St., Suite 100.