Tuesday, June 9, 2015
On June 12 at 7:30 p.m. and June 13 at 2 p.m., Herndon High will host a production of Molière’s great comedy, “Tartuffe.” First performed in 1664, the family of Orgon has fallen victim to a pious fraud. Only by conspiring, hiding in closets and climbing under tables (all in French farce fashion) can the family reveal Tartuffe's fake divinity. “It is basically Dr. Seuss and Shakespeare combined,” said Herndon High junior Jessie Jorgensen, who has the role of Mariane.
“The crazy contrast between characters is fantastic. It is definitely a funny play,” said junior Nathan Burns who is cast as gullible Orgon. The production has a tighter cast then school musicals, with a focused use on expression and reaction. “This is a semi-box set, so only a few props will be moved,” said junior Patrick Hammes, one of the stage technicians for this production. Earlier in spring the school produced ‘Children of Eden,’ a twist on the biblical book of Genesis.”
Playing the role of the scoundrel Tartuffe is junior Annie Taylor. “This is my first ever title role, so this is exciting. We think this production will lead to a great performance,” said Taylor. The image for the production used on fliers was created by sophomore Raleigh Hampson. “We wanted to represent the character of Tartuffe, who is really a con. This comedy will be hilarious,” said Hampson, who is also an understudy for the play.
This play will be one of the final productions by Herndon drama teacher Zoë Dillard, who will be departing for Greensboro, N.C. to pursue editing and writing. “This play has a very distinct style of theatre and comedy, and it is important for advanced theatre students to know about Molière. It is still a funny and relevant play,” said Dillard. Costumes for this production enhance the physical comedy, and were borrowed from Westfield High School.
A 2015 Remembrance Cabaret will be held on Saturday, June 13 at Westfield High School at 7 p.m. The event is a fundraiser for the Reema J. Samaha Memorial Scholarship fund. Herndon will be represented in the cabaret performance by students Sarah Overton and Henry Metcalf. The scholarship supports graduating seniors from Westfield High in Chantilly or Herndon High who will be attending a Virginia state university.
Morganne Davies will take Dillard’s position after the summer production of “Anything Goes.” A Summer Theatre Production Camp, from July 6 – Aug. 3, the musical will have performances on July 31 and Aug. 1 at 7:30 p.m. and Aug. 2 at 2 p.m. at the HHS Auditorium.
While Dillard will be missed, students look forward to working with Davies. “Dillard has helped us all grow as actors,” said Jessie Jorgensen.
For more information on Herndon Drama and productions, visit www.herndondrama.org.