Centreville: Saxe and Beckman Honored in Springfield District

Named district’s Lord and Lady Fairfax.

Springfield District Supervisor Pat Herrity honored Kyra M. Beckman, a senior at West Springfield High School, as this year’s Lady Fairfax.

“She has lived around the globe as part of a Navy family and settled in Fairfax County in 2010,” said Herrity.

Beckman, who is scheduled to go to the College of William and Mary in the fall, is involved with many organizations that help less fortunate individuals and is an “outstanding example of the impact our young residents can have on the community,” said Herrity.

The high school senior founded Spartans Against Human Trafficking in 2013 to educate students about the ways traffickers coerce their victims, so they can protect themselves and their friends. “She has led awareness campaigns, an effort to write letters to recently rescued victims both locally and abroad, and speaks about human trafficking to a variety of organizations community-wide,” said Herrity.

Herrity nominated Jeffrey H. Saxe as Lord Fairfax for his commitment to land use through Springfield District’s Land Use Committee, serving on the Fairfax Forward working group and actively participating in the chamber of commerce.

“He truly is an outstanding citizen,” said Herrity. “Mr. Saxe has worn many hats throughout his career, from working as a Fairfax County planner to project manager for the Peterson Companies, to a consultant to the development community, and an active member of the community. His experience gives him a unique perspective when reviewing land use applications and his engagement has assisted the County in providing an atmosphere of transparency and approachability.”