‘Put the Lights on Flash’

Herndon Town Council honored Robert S. Wilson, of the Department of Public Works, Tuesday, June 9 at the Herndon Municipal Center.

Wilson is the chief of the traffic maintenance crew and has worked for the town since Dec. 10, 2001. Wilson is scheduled to retire July 1, 2015.

“He plays a key role in Public Works,” said Robert B. Boxer, including taking traffic counts, speed studies, traffic calming measures, maintaining signs, signals and street paving markings. He is the liaison between the Town and Dominion Power to make sure streetlights are on.

“He is the one we call if the signals go down,” said Boxer, director of the Department of Public Works. “It’s Robby who gets the lights back up.”

“What are we going to do without him, Bob?” said Major Lisa C. Merkel. “Do you have a plan?”

“We’re just going to put all lights on flash,” said Boxer.

Wilson’s wife took the photo of him with the Councilmembers. “Before I get in trouble,” he said, “This is my wife, Mary.”

“We’re going to miss him. We wish you all the best.”