Thursday, March 12, 2015
The McLean Citizens Association Board passed a resolution on March 4 “addressing longstanding McLean community concerns about inequitable and large class sizes in elementary, middle and high schools located in the greater McLean and other similar areas,” according to Sally Horn, MCA president.
The county-wide elementary school class size (excluding Level 2 special education students) for Fairfax County Public Schools is 22.3, but seven of the nine elementary schools in the greater McLean area have average class sizes of between 23.5 and 25.8, and only two have lower average class sizes, according to MCA’s resolution passed March 4 that was spearheaded by Louise Epstein, vice-chair of the Education and Youth committee.
“Whereas, by school, the average class size for each McLean-area elementary school is: 23.9, Chesterbrook; 25.8, Churchill Road; 24.7, Colvin Run; 23.5, Haycock; 25.3, Kent Gardens; 22.1, Lemon Road; 24.6, Franklin Sherman; 25.8, Spring Hill; 21.4 Westgate.
“The resolution commends Dr. Garza for the steps that she already has taken to address this problem and urges the Fairfax County School Board to take several additional steps,” according to Horn.
Below is a “By The Numbers” look at the March 4 resolution and other matters at the Board meeting of the McLean Citizens Association.
Board Members attended along with two reporters, one likely campaign manager and one tub of cookies.
The McLean Citizens Association's 70th President in its 100 year existence, Sally Horn, announced Wednesday, March 3 that she would like to pass the baton to another conductor. "It's time for fresh leadership," she said. "I think fresh blood is a good thing.
"That's disappointing news. I think she's done a spectacular job in running the McLean Citizens Association," said Supervisor John Foust, past president of the MCA in 2001-2003. "That's not an easy job."
Fairfax County Public schools general education staffing formulas budget for a maximum average of 26.75 at the elementary school level, 27.5 at the middle school level, and 30.5 at the high school level, according to the MCA resolution, spearheaded by Louise Epstein.
However, “Fairfax County Public Schools reports a much lower actual county-wide average class size for each of these three levels, and specifically a county-wide average class size at the elementary school level of 22.3, a county-wide average middle school class size of 24.6, and a county-wide average high school class size of 25.6,” according to the MCA resolution.
McLean Citizens Association celebrates its 100th Anniversary this year. For its 20th anniversary, the McLean School and Civic League, as MCA was then called held a community celebration and dance. In 1964, the MCA's 50th Anniversary, MCA published a special edition of its newsletter and held a ceremony honoring past presidents. Charlotte Troughton Corner, the first principal of the Franklin Sherman School, was given a corsage. At its 75th Anniversary, past presidents gave speeches and told stories at the Potomac School in 1989. MCA published "The Voice of McLean: 100 Years of the McLean Citizens Association," written by Merrily Pierce and Paul Kohlenberger in November, 2014, the source of the above information.
Current members. 297 paid annual dues currently, MCA officials said Wednesday at the Board meeting.
A 90-bed, 73-unit, 40,309 square foot assisted living facility requested by Sunrise Development has been proposed for 1988 Kirby Road. "We were a little disappointed they didn't have more for us with landscaping," said Mark Zetts, of MCA's Planning and Zoning Committee.
A Planning Commission hearing on the special exception (SE 2014-DR-068) is tentatively scheduled for May 21.
McLean Day is scheduled for Saturday, May 16, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Lewinsville Park, 1659 Chain Bridge Road, McLean.
Fairfax County's Chapter of the County Code on Noise Ordinance, which is currently being discussed, revised and adapted. Rules and regulations regarding use of lawn equipment, to barking dogs, to people noise, to trash collection, to golf course lawn maintenance and to loudspeakers at school ballgames are discussed, much in terms of permissible hours in the morning and night and decibel level.
"It's so difficult to explain," Mark Zetts told the Board, in terms of the measurement Fairfax County uses to measure noise. "Tysons is urbanizing, our neighborhoods are not.”
“Fairfax County staff distributed an updated draft Noise Ordinance Amendment and summary chart” at a committee meeting on Feb. 3, 2015. The committee directed staff to bring the proposed amendment to the Board of Supervisors to advertise a public hearing process.
The MCA, then known as The League, sponsored the 1922 start of the McLean Fire Department and provided its early funding. "The Fire Department establishes a committee to request funding from the league and officially co-sponsors McLean Day in 1923 for a share of the proceeds,” according to “The Voice of McLean: 100 Years of the McLean Citizens Association.”
McLean's 50-plus committee is looking at proposed software system/app that families can input medical history and medical wishes so 911 personnel have access to it when responding to emergency calls. This technology could be valuable for families with children with disabilities, said Jim Phelps, committee member. MCA will continue exploring how such technology is used in other jurisdictions.