Tuesday, May 5, 2015
The evening of Friday, May 1, downtown Herndon hosted the year’s first Friday Night Live with the band Go Go Gadjet. Sponsored by organizations including Volkswagen Group of America and the Worldgate Center, Friday Night Live (FNL!) is one the most popular outdoor concert series in the D.C. area. The concert has been ranked as a "Must See" for Fairfax County, and is recognized by the Virginia Tourism Corporation.
The event is hosted at the Town Green near the Fortnightly Library and Municipal Building at 777 Lynn Street. “It is great for the community,” said event volunteer Max Harwell. This year is the 21st year of Friday Night Live, and each year FNL! donates money from tips to Herndon High School's After Prom and All Night Grad Parties. “It is going to be a great summer event,” said Art Anselene, Herndon’s Town Manager.
“FNL is always the market that starts my summer, I am so glad the Herndon council has not made any changes to this event,” said Reston resident Leslie Loges.
Previously, Herndon council member Jasbinder Singh made inquires on changes to the layout of Friday Night Live, yet no changes have been made. “We have been attending for about 18 years, it is one of my favorite things of the week,” said Reston resident Brian Moran, who attended the performance with his family.
The founder of Friday Night Live, Doug Downer, was unable to attend the year’s first concert. However, George Price, a board member of the FNL group along with many other volunteers was present. “I have seen four generations together listening to music here,” said Price. “We will not charge anything for this event, it is designed to bring people to Herndon.” Approximately 50 non-paid volunteers including members of the Herndon Optimists Club help provide directions and check bags. The family friendly, outdoor event is cancelled if weather conditions become unfavorable.
This was musician Eric Henkels first time performing at Herndon Friday Night Live. “I think it is fantastic to play live music for people. The lineup of bands for this summer includes some talented people,” said Henkels. Songs the band Go Go Gadjet played included tunes by Elvis, Katy Perry, and Sublime.
Town of Herndon council members and Mayor Lisa Merkel attended the year’s first FNL show. "Friday Night Live has been Herndon's signature summer event for 21 years and counting,” stated Mayor Merkel. “I was a fan and supporter even before moving into Town, and applaud the Chamber for its efforts to bring such a family friendly, free event to the heart of Herndon every summer. Over the past couple of months I've heard from hundreds of others who feel the same way and feel passionately that Friday Night Live should remain a fabulous and free summer tradition. I couldn't agree more and I look forward to many summers ahead!"
“It is a great community event, and as both a Herndon citizen and Town Council member I support Friday Night Live,” said Town Council Member Sheila Olem. Food stands from local restaurants including Jimmy’s Tavern, Dairy Queen and JJ Deli sell snacks and food. Beer and beverages are sold on the site until 9:30 p.m. No alcoholic beverages may be brought into the event, and no pets are allowed. Friday Night Live concerts will continue on Friday evenings at Herndon until Aug. 28. There will not be a FNL event on Friday, May 29 as the Herndon Festival will be taking place.
Visit www.herndonrocks.com for updates and more information.