Foust, Chronis Debate in Great Falls

Ralph Appleton/Great Falls Citizens Association Question:

“The community and Great Falls Citizens Association positions on the Brooks Farm rezoning continue to sharply differ from the owner developer request for 20 homes by a two-acre cluster rezoning. At this time, what specific actions do you support and what would you recommend to the other supervisors if you are reelected or elected?”

Incumbent John W. Foust:

“I suspect everybody knows about Brooks Farm, but basically, it’s a property that is zoned agricultural and the entity that wants to develop it has proposed to rezone it and build about 20 houses in a cluster development.

“What we do with that is the same thing we do in my office for every single land case that comes through. The developer typically comes in and says, ‘Don’t you think it’s wonderful?’ and I say, ‘I don’t have an opinion at this time. I want you to go out to the community and discuss this with them and determine whether there are issues, if there are issues, and if they can be resolved. Because I am the supervisor, I represent the community, you have to get the community behind you.’

“That process has been ongoing with Brooks for a long time. It’s gone quiet, it seems. I understand there are one- to-one discussions going on at this time. But I am also aware at this time that the community at large has expressed opposition.

“I don’t think that I’ve turned a single blade of grass in this community in eight years that was in opposition to the community’s position. This is your community, we are going to preserve the semi rural character of this community.

“A lot of intelligent people think about this all the time and have approaches to how that is best accomplished. And I rely on you for your input. At this point, we have heard from GFCA and they say they are not supportive.

“You can’t tell an applicant to not move forward on this application, but it’s been very quiet at least in my office.

“I will support the community decision on this issue as I have in the past on others.”

Jennifer Chronis, Challenger:

“I’m a resident of Great Falls and I certainly understand and have closely followed this issue. I have attended all, if not most all, of the Great Falls Citizens Association’s meetings on this issue this year.

“I understand the community’s concerns and I am supportive of the GFCA’s resolution which is a very reasonable approach to responsible development, in that it acknowledges the right of the property owner by allowing by-right development and it addresses the concerns of the community.

“I do believe it’s important to strike a balance between maintaining the integrity of the community and preserving the rural nature of Great Falls and also at the same time respecting property rights.

“And, in this case, I believe GFCA’s resolution does that very well.

“I am a supporter of rezoning if it doesn’t put undue burden on the community, and, in this case, I believe with the current application it does.

“So in Great Falls, and I know this as a resident, it’s not only about the density of Great Falls, it’s about the intensity. And I don’t believe putting another two dozen homes in the middle of Great Falls where we have two lanes roads, where we have likely insufficient well and septic and where we have very real storm water management concerns is a good idea.

“I believe quite honestly that this is just another example of where the county could be potentially trying to change the semi-rural nature of Great Falls and the nature of this community whether it be through a potential rezoning application and development or through the issue that I discussed earlier which is forcing a business owner to leave the Great Falls community because our zoning and regulatory process is so onerous.

I would promise to be a champion to the citizens of Great Falls.”

Appleton, Question:

“Great Falls lacks sufficient public spaces to hold free meetings in part because the park authority recently initiated high fees for the Old Schoolhouse usage. It used to be free or very low until about four or five years ago. Now, the Old Schoolhouse is rarely used whereas the free library is overbooked. Would you support free weekday evening use of the Old Schoolhouse by nonprofit organizations if the community agrees to lock and unlock the Old Schoolhouse and thereby saving the staff costs?


“Well, I certainly believe it’s important that we have public spaces here to use in our community and clearly the Great Falls Library, and old school house and this facility are good gathering places for our community.

“Because we have such a difficult time with our costs and our financial situation here in the county, I certainly would be supportive of anything that decreases the county costs and makes good sense for our citizens.

“So I would support a proposal that would enable us to do that after a thorough look at a business case assuming there are no unintended consequences. But if it is going to save us money and it’s going to provide benefit to our citizens then absolutely I would be supportive.”


“I would support it also. This has been an issue for a while and we have worked on it for a while. A while back a really impressive group of community organizations got together and signed a letter to me basically asking for more access to these facilities. The proposal was that I would get the Grange made ADA accessible and they would come forward with a proposal that community groups would take responsibility for these two buildings. I would support that.

“What has transpired and what is going forward right now is we have shifted focus to just the schoolhouse for the interim. This should be a Great Falls campus that should be available and accessible to Great Falls citizens the way it used to be.

I think evening hours during the week is something that will be achievable.

It’s not like the Park Authority is generating revenues over there. You know, the park authority, they have a tough time meeting their budget, I know that, but that is something that we should have available to us the citizens of Great Falls.

“And eventually if the community groups come together the way I think they might and the way it was initially proposed, I see something more grand here with the Grange and the Schoolhouse as a community facility.”