Alexandria Schools Pass SOL Tests … Mostly

Alexandria City Public Schools got test scores back from the 2014-2015 Standards of Learning (SOL) tests, and for the most part, it’s a report card to hang on the refrigerator. Twelve of the city’s schools fully passed accreditation, with two schools emerging from warnings issued last year. Patrick Henry Elementary has receiving warnings from the state board for low scores, and T.C. Williams had been warned for low scores in mathematics, but this year both schools were fully accredited. John Adams and William Ramsay Elementary Schools, as well as Francis Hammond Middle School, were all accredited with a warning.

Jefferson-Houston PreK-8 remains unaccredited, but Clinton Page, chief accountability officer for Alexandria schools, noted that the school did show marked signs of improvement. Last year’s English SOL score had 47 percent passing, improving to 61 percent in the 2014-2015 school year. Math increased from 46 percent passing to 64 percent, and History increasing marginally from 51 percent passing to 55 percent. The biggest growth was science, which grew from 35 percent passing to 60 percent passing.