Alexandria: Redistricting Starts for Public Schools

ACPS chooses J.R. Reingold & Associates Inc. as its redistricting partner.

With a whimper rather than a bang, redistricting has started for Alexandria Public Schools. On Aug. 24, Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) selected J.R. Reingold & Associates Inc. as a partner for its redistricting process.

“We’re excited and we’re happy to contribute to Alexandria,” said Joseph Ney, a principal at J.R. Reingold. “Essentially, the basic need that we’re going to help fulfill is to guide the community engagement process. At some future point there will be a website to participate and engage with the public on.”

While Stephanie Kapsis, a School Board member involved in the selection process, said that she couldn’t disclose the official guidelines for selection, she did say that the School Board was excited to work with a group that had experience working in other local school districts. In January 2015, J.R. Reingold & Associates worked with Arlington Public Schools on a controversial redistricting plan. Through the public hearing process, parents accused Arlington schools of inaccurately manipulating class size numbers and unfairly dividing established school communities. However, parents praised the online option that allowed parents to design their own redistricting plan, a model created by J.R. Reingold & Associates.

“Reingold is going to be a great partner,” said Kapsis. “We’re looking forward to looking with them We’re excited that Reingold has the experience in Arlington, and we’re looking forward to hearing about the good and the bad.”

In collaboration with ACPS staff, J.R. Reingold & Associates will select a committee of parents and members of the public for a Redistricting Review Committee which will work in tandem with the Redistricting Steering Committee, composed of board members and ACPS staff. J.R. Reingold & Associates will be responsible for choosing the redistricting options deliberated on by the reviewing committee.

“The Steering Committee will continue to work with Reingold,” said Kapsis, “but in terms of reviewing potential decisions, the [Redistricting] Review Committee will be doing much of the work.”

ACPS last redistricted in 1999. Since then, Kapsis says ACPS’ student population has risen by over 3,200. Kapsis said that redistricting is part of the School Board’s plans to create more optimal learning environments, and that while it’s still to early in the process for specific details, the redistricting process will have thorough public engagement over the next few months before a final plan is voted on in February 2016.