McLean Citizens Association: By the Numbers


Minutes per office will be given during MCA’s Candidate Debate, scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 18 at the McLean Community Center’s Alden Theater, 1234 Ingleside Ave., McLean at 3 p.m. Candidates for Virginia Senate, House of Delegates, Dranesville Supervisor, Dranesville School Board. “It’s going to be tightly run,” said Glenn Harris, MCA vice president. 12 ushers will help seat people, starting at 2:30 p.m.


On the 28th of September from 7-8:30 p.m., MCA is scheduled to host a conversation with Fairfax County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Karen Garza at the McLean Community Center, 1234 Ingleside Ave.

“This year, Dr. Garza created a budget task force in developing a list of potential budget cuts,” according to MCA documents. “The Task Force’s list includes cuts to high school sports, 7th period in high schools, reversal of later high school start times, advanced academic centers, Thomas Jefferson High School, elementary band and strings and administrative and support staff positions and/or compensation.”


MCA passed two resolutions at its first meeting of the new season on Sept. 9, 2015 at Pimmit Hills Library.

MCA supports rezoning and added development of 3.5 million square feet of development at Tysons Corner Center (constructed over four phases) given amendments to proffers.

MCA opposed plans to rezone eight contiguous properties adjacent to the Greensboro Metro Center.

“Our problems with this is one of height,” said Mark Zetts, chairman of the Planning and Zoning Committee.


The Fairfax County Planning Commission is scheduled to vote on a proposal to increase the size of Mount Daniel Elementary School, a Falls Church school on the edge of McLean. MCA opposes the plan. The hearing is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 17.


MCA’s membership count as of MCA’s September meeting. Animesh Gupta said the membership committee hopes to plan family-friendly events in the near future, including a movie night in this fall. Potential activities include a MCA Drone/Kite Festival and/or a MCA Community Walk/Race to get families with young children more involved in MCA.


During National Preparedness month, McLean Citizens Association is scheduled to host a panel discussion to educate families, businesses, houses of worship and other organizations on developing emergency plans, kits preparedness. Wednesday, Sept. 23, 7 p.m., McLean Community Center, 1234 Ingleside Ave., McLean.


Members of MCA responded to an airport noise survey the Transportation Committee is engaged in.

“We feel that we need more detailed data,” said Jim Robertson. Data compiled so far wasn’t “specific enough to let us go forward with talking with the Federal Airlines Association,” he said. The new survey is due Sept. 30. See


McLean Citizens Association has been representing the interests of McLean citizens for 100 years. Cost of membership is $15. See