Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Reston Citizens Association has an 11-page, seven-step plan for Reston Town Center North, its library and Embry Rucker Community Shelter.
“We suggest that the county renovate the vacant Cameron Glen facility and move the Embry Rucker Community Shelter into this space. We recommend that the County build a new and larger library on the former Embry Rucker Community Shelter site using the approved $10 million bond as a starting point,” according to Reston Citizens Association.
Supervisor Cathy Hudgins promises a community dialogue meeting this Saturday, Sept. 19 regarding the future of Reston Town Center North and “vision for delivery of services,” from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Reston Community Center at Lake Anne.
Hank Schonzeit published RCA’s White Paper, “Reston Town Center North Redevelopment,” on Sept. 8 after RCA met with library officials and representatives from Cornerstones which manages the Embry Rucker community shelter.
RCA developed its own list of goals, concerns and questions along with a proposal for the redevelopment of Blocks 7 and 8, according to RCA.
“Many of the attendees expressed concerns about the future of the library and the Embry Rucker Community Shelter, and the possibility that services would be compromised if these facilities were moved to temporary locations or their redevelopment was delayed until the development of further blocks. Other concerns included the lack of any community oversight and uncertainty regarding the developers’ adherence to Reston’s Master Plan guidelines,” according to Schonzeit.
“We recognize the perceived challenges in placing a homeless shelter in the midst of market priced housing. We are proposing an approach that may serve to address this challenge as well as many of the community’s concerns,” says RCA.
RCA PROPOSES a seven-step course of action:
Renovate the vacant Cameron Glen facility to accommodate Embry Rucker Community Shelter services and staff on an interim basis while a more permanent facility is built, in the process providing more than twice the space of the current shelter. (Cameron Glen already includes an institutional kitchen, sleeping areas, and access control.)
Relocate the Embry Rucker Community Shelter and Cornerstones staff to Cameron Glen.
Dismantle the Embry Rucker Community Shelter building.
Build a new 60,000 – 80,000 square foot flagship library on the former Embry Rucker Community Shelter land (plus adjacent land) using the available bond funds and proffers from the contract awardee.
Relocate the library to the new building.
Build new housing and commercial space on the old library site.
Develop a new home for the Embry Rucker Community Shelter within Blocks 1, 3 or 5.
“The library budgets continue to be cut and many staff positions have been left unfilled. …
“Given this atmosphere, RCA is concerned that the library will be moved to temporary quarters and remain there for years, as have the classroom trailers around Reston.”
“And although there may be proffers available to supplement the $10 million in Library bond funds to build an expanded library, we are concerned that there would be little funding available for building a new Embry Rucker facility.”
RESTONIANS ARE PASSIONATE about the library, Reston’s commitment to social action and the community, according to Reston Citizens Association.
“For several years, the community has been concerned about the future of Reston as it continues to grow. Concerns regarding traffic, safety, congested schools, and disappearing open space have caused people to question whether Reston is losing the special quality that makes it so attractive,” Schonzeit wrote.
“The redevelopment of RTC North is a chance to assure Restonians that the County is committed in maintaining or enhancing Reston as a highly desirable place to live, work, play.”