Wednesday, September 23, 2015
On the bright side: the entire Reevesland property is classified as a historic district. But for local residents who fought for the preservation of the farmhouse as county property, the Sept. 19 decision to divide the farmhouse and the surrounding property as two separate parcels was still a loss.
While approximately two acres of surrounding land will remain a public park, the farmhouse will be converted into private property with the purchasing condition that the facade be restored and maintained. However, the County Board directed staff to hold off on dividing the property until instructed to do so by the board to preserve the possibility of a private partnership on the property.
The decision was opposed by County Board member Walter Tejada, who noted the public backlash against the proposal.
“Over 600 people have signed a petition [to preserve Reevesland],” said Tejada, “many of them are from this neighborhood. This is literally right in their backyard.”
Members of the County Board expressed a measure of Reevesland fatigue. Exasperated, County Board member Libby Garvey asked staff if the issue would be coming before the County Board again, to which staff replied that it would when a potential buyer is found.