Tuesday, December 20, 2016
The Fairfax County Planning Commission recommended approval of Lidl U.S. Operations, LLC, proposal to amend zoning to permit a 30,000-square-foot grocery store and 18,000-square-foot multi-tenant retail building on 5.09 acres on the 73-acre Chantilly Crossing Shopping Center at the intersection of Lee Road and Chantilly Crossing Lane.
Lidl will “contribute to the design and installation of traffic signal at the intersection of Penrose Place and Lee Road, a commitment to the maintenance and enhancement of the stormwater management pond, an enhanced pedestrian crossing to the site,” said Sully District Planning Commissioner Karen Keys-Gamara at the decision-only hearing on Wednesday, Dec. 7.
The German Lidl grocery chain has also offered to proffer $250,000 for athletic fields and recreational facilities in Chantilly.
Lidl’s U.S. operations is headquartered in Arlington; Lidl (pronounced leedle) plans to expand its business in the United States and Fairfax County.
Lidl currently operates nearly 10,000 stores in 26 countries throughout Europe and plans to open as many as 100 U.S. locations.
The Board of Supervisors is scheduled to make its decision regarding the application on Jan. 24.
The Planning Commission gave Costco its approval Wednesday, Dec. 7 to add a service station with eight fueling tanks that can queue up to 60 vehicles at its 13.39-acre site in the Chantilly Crossing Shopping Center, 14390 Chantilly Crossing Lane.
After the public hearing in November, Costco “has indicated a willingness to design a signal at the intersection of Penrose Place and Lee Road which would facilitate movement to the site,” said Sully District Commissioner Karen Keys-Gamarra at the decision-only hearing last week.
The Board of Supervisors is scheduled to make its decision regarding Costo’s application on Jan. 24, 2017.
The gas station will only be available to Costco members; only two grades of gas will be available, payable only by Costco credit card or debit.
David Gill, who represented Costco for its application, estimates that 2,000 customers will use the station each day.
County planners recommended approval of the application.
“Given its lack of visibility from the surrounding public road network, its interior position within the larger shopping center, and the limitation on sales, the proposed use can be expected to primarily serve existing patrons of the Costco retail warehouse and is expected to generate only a nominal increase in vehicular trips,” said Joe Gorney, planning staff.
Only one employee will be needed at the station.
Underground fuel tanks, an above ground Healy tank for excess gasoline vapors, and a canopy will be needed as part of the special exception amendment.
Chantilly Crossing Shopping Center is on 73 acres south of Route 50, east of Lee Road and west of Route 28. The center was approved by the Board of Supervisors in the summer of 1996.
The center also has two restaurants, two extended-day hotels, a drive-through bank, a Costco retail warehouse, a Target store, two retail buildings with multiple tenants and an additional service station with quick-service food store.
Sully District Planning Commissioner Karen Keys-Gamarra requested denial of Ardavan Badii’s application to operate a luxury pawnshop, one that would have only dealt with diamonds, gems, jewelry and precious metals.
The Planning Commission voted Wednesday, Dec. 7 to deny the application 8-0; three commissioners abstained.
The Board of Supervisors is scheduled to make its decision on Jan. 24, 2017.
Keys-Gamarra deferred decision on the application to last week. “At first glance, it seems like a simple application, but it hasn’t been so simple,” she said.
Bullion and Diamonds Company is a 788-square-foot retail store at 4086 Airline Parkway in the 50 West Shopping Center, just west of the Route 50/Route 28 intersection.
“Jewelry is an asset,” said Badii, who has operated his store for eight years in Chantilly. “Occasionally, [customers] need some dollars but don't want to give up their jewelry.”
“It’s really important that we keep that image of luxury and beauty,” he said.
But the application doesn’t meet the comprehensive plan, said Keys-Gamarra.
“The proposed pawn shop is not an industrial, research and development, or industrial/flex use. Instead, it would intensify an existing strip commercial development, a use that is discouraged by the plan,” said Keys-Gamarra. “Even though it would be located within a store that’s already in the shopping center, the shopping center was permitted by-right. As the staff report states, there are no prior zoning approvals associated with the shopping center, which means that no other special exception uses have been approved there.”
There are currently eight pawn shops allowed via special exceptions in Fairfax County, said Michael Lynskey, planning staff with the Department of Planning and Zoning. The county permits up to 12 pawnshops countywide, he said.
“We’re expecting one to two people a day, at most. This is something that can help my small business a lot,” said Badii.
But according to Keys-Gamarra, he couldn’t guarantee that amount of limited business. Because the pawn shop would be the only existing pawn shop for miles, she said, “this use would be a magnet for customers over a large area. In light of all of this uncertainty and the existing parking problems here, I cannot support adding yet another use to this already strained parking lot.”
“This shopping center’s parking lot already suffers from considerable circulation problems and parking shortages. In my experience, the configuration is uniquely hazardous because of the many angles at which cars pull in and out and the pedestrians cutting across to get to shops and restaurants. Add to that the several restaurants offering delivery services and you get a location where constant vigilance is required,” said Keys-Gamarra.