Wednesday, December 21, 2016
On Dec. 17, the City Council approved the final plans for the newly redeveloped Carpenter Shelter in North Old Town. The council approved a development special use permit and site plan for a multi-family residential building and homeless shelter. The project, developed by the Alexandria Housing Development Corporation (AHDC), will tear down the existing homeless shelter and replace it with a seven-story building that includes a new homeless shelter and 98 units of affordable housing. The city also granted increased density for the site and a loan to AHDC for up to $7,100,000 for development of the affordable units.
“It’s important to show up when things go right,” said Judy Noritake, president of the Braddock Metro Citizen’s Coalition. “This is a project that has gone right. We’re thrilled that the development proposed fits well into the neighborhood. This is a use that we welcome. Carpenter Shelter has been a neighbor of ours for a long time. This is exactly where it should be. People of lesser means need to be where transportation and density exists. This is a perfect place for folks like this to live, work, and be a part of our community. I can’t think of a better place in the city for this.”