Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Herndon High students have been rehearsing for the annual winter cabaret show. The theme for this year’s show is “Once Upon A Time” and will feature numbers from many musicals including “Into the Woods,” “Chess,” and “Aida.” “This is always one of my most favorite productions of the year,” said Dana Van Slyke, Choir director of Herndon HS. Her husband Jim and her eighth grade son Ethan Van Slyke will be playing musical percussion for the show.
The show will also feature plenty of dance moves on the stage. Colby Dezelick has helped students master challenging choreography. “I think this year will be amazing, all the numbers are energetic. The kids bring such enthusiasm to the show,” said Dezelick. One of the final songs, “Be the Hero for Your Story” from the musical “Big Fish,” will feature choreographic sequences. “This song has a lot of awesome choreography, and Colby is so talented,” said senior Emma Anderson.
“The kids really enjoyed rehearsing with Colby,” said Andie Lytle, president of the Choral Boosters group. The cast is made up of Herndon High students from the ninth through 12th grade. Any student can audition to be in the production, and does not need to be a member of the school chorus or drama team.
“There is not any point where the audience will be bored,” said senior Robin McGrath. McGrath will join seniors Anna Hughes and Annie Taylor on stage for the song “Killer Instinct” from the musical “Bring It On.” Senior Gaby Kubi enjoys the song “Dancing Through Life” from the musical “Wicked.” “I like this song’s message, and it is really a good song,” said Kubi. Songs that do not refer to fairy tale fantasy do have references to narratives, and will be an opportunity for students to share some Broadway magic.
The HHS Cabaret performances was scheduled for Jan. 22 and 23 at 7:30 p.m. at the Auditorium, but due to weather conditions a snow date has been set on Monday, Jan. 25. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students/faculty/seniors. An upcoming school Pyramid Concert on Jan. 25 at 7 p.m. in HHS Auditorium featuring Aldrin, Herndon, Hutchison, Herndon Middle Schools has been rescheduled for Jan. 29. On Jan. 26 at 7 p.m. in HHS Auditorium there will be a Pyramid Concert featuring Armstrong, Dranesville, and Herndon Middle schools. Visit Herndon High choir webpage for more details:
Recognition goes to the Herndon HS choir students who achieved a perfect score on sight singing. This included: Michelle Lovering, Tiffany Nguyen, Shennan O’Day, Julia Picchiottino, Jacob Reeves, Becky Findley, Rachel Hawn, Tony Hitti, Caitlyn Homet, Maddy Horstman, Gaby Kubi, Pallavi Kulkarni, Joey Rudek, Victoria Schrag, Evelyn Showalter, Selina Shupp, Amelia Wear, and Becca Wichman. Many in the HS chorus will be joining in this year’s cabaret.
Herndon Middle School is preparing for an April production of “Godspell,” which will be directed by Scott Pafumi and vocal direction by McKenna Stenson. Stage managers will be Maddie Schiller, Tina Thayer, and Lauren Norley. Music director will be Abby Izzo and choreographer is Erin Grogan. Cast as Jesus is Max Norcross, and playing Judas is Henry Metcalf.
In February, the HS drama club will present “Cinderella: the Oldest Story Ever Told” by David F. Eliet with music by Kenneth Kacmar. The audience will travel on a journey through Africa, India and China as versions of the most universal folktale are woven together in this entertaining and dynamic presentation. Children of all ages will re-discover this classic tale featuring new characters including the King of Frogs, a Flying Cow, a Talking Parrot and a Wise Wizard. This show will be on Feb. 12 at 7 p.m. and Feb. 13 at 10 a.m. For more information on Herndon High drama visit