Wednesday, July 6, 2016
As the Ballston Mall slowly begins to continue towards new life, all across Ballston new development plants are emerging. These nine new projects are underway, approved, or under review for development within the next five years. In total, the new projects would bring 480,000 square feet of new or redeveloped retail space, 2,000 new apartments, and 420,000 square feet of office space.
Recently, office space in Arlington has struggled with record high office vacancy rates following the mass exodus of defense contractors as part of base realignment.
“Office vacancy right now is much higher than ever,” said Tina Leone, CEO of the Ballston BID, in an email, “but Ballston has weathered the storm much better than other neighborhoods. We topped out at about 19.6 percent vacancy and are now around 18 percent. Our owners haven't experienced as much pain as Crystal City or Rosslyn both topping out at nearly 30 percent.”
Leone also noted that the office space usage at Marymount University will likely be temporary as programs at the school continue to grow.
Marymount University
- Marymount University & Shooshan Company partnership
- Dual residential and educational use
- Nine story building with 109,981 square feet of education space and 55,067 square feet of office space
- Accompanied by a fifteen-story residential building with 267 units.
Metro Plaza
- Additional bus bays
- New, modern furniture and bus shelters
- Real-time bus information at bus stops
- Additional bike parking
- Expanded public space on Fairfax Drive
- Dedicated Kiss-and-Ride curbspace
- Dedicated shuttle bus curbspace and bus shelter
- Improved aesthetics
- Improved wayfinding signage
Church Redevelopment
- Central United Methodist Church + Bozzuto Group
- Renovated Church and Preschool Space
- Seven-story apartment building
- 132 units (60 percent market-rate and 40 percent dedicated to affordable housing)
- Partnership of Houston-based Lionstone Investments and Penzance
- Former Carpool Site
- 330-unit residential apartment tower
- 8,000 square feet of retail space
3901 N. Fairfax
- LEED Gold certified 9-story Class A office
- More than 184,000 total square feet
- 173,131 square feet of office space
- 3,200 square feet of retail space
- 13,000 square feet for a performing arts theater
4040 Wilson – The first truly mixed use building in Arlington
- The tallest office tower in Ballston
- The Shooshan Company
- 418,810 square foot building
- 22-story vertical mixed use to include ground and second story retail
- 191,300 square feet office, 33,400 square feet retail and 244 residential units
- High end fitness center and spa tenant
Ballston Quarter
- Forest City
- Open-air retail concourses
- All-new street front façade design
- Remodeling/ upgrading of interior retail concourses
- Significant upgrading of retail mix to feature dining, entertainment, fitness, personal care and neighborhood support uses
- 365,000 square feet of retail on four levels
- Residential building on Northeast end of project
- 22 stories, 405 units and more than 51,000 square feet of ground floor retail
750 N. Glebe
- Saul Centers
- 483-unit apartment building
- 500,000 square feet
- 68,000 square feet of ground floor retail, including a grocery story
- More than 700 underground parking spaces
672 Flats
- The Penrose Group
- Six-stories
- 175-unit residential building
- 4,400 square feet of first floor retail along N. Glebe Road