Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Current Councilmember Jasbinder Singh announced at the end of June that he will run against Mayor Lisa Merkel for the Town’s Mayor position in the upcoming Nov. 8 election.
Candidates for mayor and the six Town Council seats for the 2017-2018 term announced their intent to run.
Candidates for the six Town Council seats for the 2017-2018 term include Jennifer K. Baker, Jeffrey L. Davidson, Signe V. Friedrichs, Connie H. Hutchinson, David “Dave” A. Kirby, William J. “Bill” McKenna, Sheila A. Olem, Roland B. Taylor and Grace Han Wolf.
Baker, Kirby, Olem and Wolf serve on the current Town Council.
BY A 4-3 VOTE, Herndon’s Town Council adopted an ordinance March 10, 2015 so Herndon's next Town election will be held in November 2016.
Herndon's local elections had taken place in May since the Town was incorporated in 1879.
At Herndon precincts, between 75-80 percent of registered voters turned out for the November 2012 presidential election year, and approximately 38-45 percent turned out during the midterm elections in November 2010, according to town records. In general, 20-25 percent of registered voters turnout for elections when they are in May.
Hundreds voiced opinions during four public hearings in November and December and by e-mail and written testimony to the Council.
Some residents remained convinced that town elections should be separate from federal and state elections to allow focus on town issues.
RESIDENTS OF THE TOWN who are eligible but not registered to vote must do so by Oct. 17, 2016 to vote in the town election.
Register online at www.vote.virginia.gov, or return a completed application postmarked or delivered to the General Registrar, 12000 Government Center Parkway, Suite 323, Fairfax, Virginia, 22035-0081.
Voter registration forms and absentee ballot applications also are available in the Town Clerk’s office, 777 Lynn St., Herndon, 703-435-6804, town.clerk@herndon-va.gov.