Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Opening NextStop Theatre’s summer 2016 series of one-night only performances is a show about a very contemporary social issue; the search for home in an unsafe, complex world. It will be an interactive production of a new work created by Northern Virginia’s Convergence Theatre “Guerrilla Theatre Works: At What Cost?”
The show follows the arduous lives of refugees seeking what has become elusive; what and where home is.
For Evan Hoffmann, artistic director, NextStop Theatre, “‘Guerrilla Theatre Works: At What Cost’ was the perfect choice to start this summer series for us. It represents everything we hoped this series could be. It represents bold artistic work, opportunities for new artists and audiences, and it stretches everyone's expectations of what you can see at NextStop!”
"’Guerrilla Theatre Works: At What Cost?’ is an inventive, live theatre structure created by Convergence Theatre using resources not often used in live theatre such as audience participation. The performance will be “using non-traditional forms of theatre to challenge social norms and change the actor/audience relationship,” said Elena Velasco, artistic director, Convergence Theatre.
According to Velasco, ”Guerrilla Theatre Works: At What Cost?” will be a close collaboration with the audience that includes dialogue based upon research about the issue of how people see home with “adapted music composition, stylized movement languages and soft design” combined together to raise questions and engage the audience.
With key audience involvement, the production does not have a totally pre-determined outcome. The lively interactions between actors and audience will make the production a truly unique event, according to Velasco,
When asked why audiences should see "Guerrilla Theatre Works: At What Cost?" Hoffmann was clear: “People should come see ‘At What Cost’ because it is going to offer a powerful narrative about our society and the way we treat each other and especially immigrants in this country.
“I would like to strongly encourage people to come and see something new, different and perhaps just a little bit outside of their comfort zone. Have a new experience,” said Hoffmann.
“Those seem to be becoming increasingly rare both in our theaters and our lives!”
“Guerrilla Theatre Works” At What Cost” is not only for regular theater patrons, said Velasco. It is intended as well for “people in the local community who may not go to theater regularly.” It is a show aimed at raising social issues in a “safe place, a non-threatening venue.”