Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Moira Callaghan and more than 80 people from Longwood Grove wrote Reston Association to ask for help with “nuisance barking” coming from Baron Cameron Dog Park.
“While this facility sits on county-owned land, the proximity to Reston Association homeowners is unacceptable to Longwood Grove residents and should be unacceptable to this board,” Callaghan told the Reston Association Board, at its monthly meeting on Thursday, Feb. 25.
Callaghan asked for assistance in relocating the dog park.
“The negative impact of this park feature on our neighborhood is severe. The barking has created years of ongoing stress: the noise disrupts sleep, and invades the peace and quiet of homes throughout the day,” she said.
The Reston Association invited Callaghan back on March 24, so the Board can address the issue of operations of the Baron Cameron Dog Park.
Reston Association’s Board [resident Ellen Graves said the number of homeowners affected and who wrote the Association met the threshold the Board needed to investigate and respond.
“I look forward to learning more,” said Graves.
Other groups will be invited, including users of the dog park.
CALLAGHAN PREPARED a timeline of the Baron Cameron Dog Park’s history, which she will have the opportunity to expand upon in late March.
“This facility was installed without Planning Commission approval,” she said.
The new noise ordinance implemented earlier this month says, “The law prohibits noises during specific hours, including: using dog parks Monday through Friday before 7 a.m. or after dusk or before 8 a.m. or after dusk on Saturday, Sunday or the day before a federal holiday.”
Also prohibited: “Barking, howling, meowing, squawking or quacking animals between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. when it can be heard inside a home with its doors and windows closed, or if these sounds can be heard between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. for more than five minutes consecutively or non-consecutively during a 10-minute period.”
“Nuisance noise should not be permitted nor tolerated, especially in a community so thoughtfully planned,” said Callaghan.
She said many members of Longwood Park are dog owners.
“We do not oppose dog parks. We advocate for their responsible placement and management,” said Callaghan.
“It is not peaceful to garden or have a meal on your porch and hear 90 minutes or more of incessant barking. It is not healthy to have your sleep disrupted by barking dogs. One should not dread sunny, warm weather because they know it means they will not be able to fully enjoy their home and property,” she said.