Wednesday, March 23, 2016
ArtSpace Herndon presented its sixth annual Mind Heart Vision Exhibit, with a reception on March 16. The juried exhibit showcases the artworks of Herndon High School art students embarking upon their senior thesis. In collaboration with Herndon High School’s Art Department, ArtSpace Herndon provided students with the opportunity to display artwork in a professional gallery. The Wednesday reception included music by the Hernon High Chamber Players, and catering from Herndon High’s Gourmet and International Hospitality Class. Herndon High School Chamber Players included Misha Barth, Michele Becker, Melissa Kramer, Christina Ngo, Mary Ogborn and Saah Przybysz.
The exhibit includes pop art, photography, sculpture, animation and more. The student artwork on exhibit will also be available for purchase. This year’s jurors are local artists Melanie Stanley, Livingston Rodgers, Marjorie Powell, Andrea Cybyk and Joanne Wittauer. The reception offered students the opportunity to greet and network with patrons, provide background information on their works, and interact with professionals and art enthusiasts alike. One of the students attending the reception, Herndon High School senior Robin McGrath said “I really like to paint at my house, I took the school art class and I really enjoy it.”
“We are delighted to be working with Herndon High School to showcase some of the most outstanding student talent in the district,” said executive director Signe Friedrichs. The exhibit will close on March 27.
On March 19, 7-9 p.m. jazz virtuoso Victor Haskins performed with Mike Hawkins on bass and Tony Martucci on drums at ArtSpace Herndon.
Friday, March 25, ArtSpace Herndon is hosting the award-winning GMU Indie Film Showcase. The Best of FAVS Showcase spotlights award-winning films produced by students in Film And Video Studies (FAVS) at George Mason University from Fiction and Documentary Directing classes and Senior Thesis projects. FAVS alumnus Scott Cooper’s film Cafe Kreyól will be one of the films shown at the event. Cafe Kreyól won Best of Festival Documentary Short at the Richmond International Film Festival.
The next art exhibit at ArtSpace Herndon is New Forms and Horizons: Abstract Art and Sculpture. The exhibit, featuring contemporary landscape artist Jorge Luis Bernal and sculptor Eric Garner, is on display April 5 – May 1.The reception for the exhibit is on Saturday, April 9, 7-9 p.m.
ArtSpace Herndon will host another ticketed music event with Harrison “Slam” Allen on Saturday, April 23. Allen is a soulful blues singer and guitarist. At this show, Allen pays tribute to one of the now immortal -- B.B. King. The show is Saturday, April 23, 7:30–10 p.m. Complimentary hors d’oeuvres and soft drinks will be provided.