Reston: 54 Townhouses Approved on 3.45 Acres

Where can pizza delivers or other delivery drivers park their cars or trucks? That was part of Planning Commission deliberations on July 28, 2016 regarding a hearing on RP 11720, LLC’s application to permit construction of 54 single family attached dwelling units on 3.45 acres at the northwest quadrant of Sunrise Valley Drive and Roland Clarke Place.

That’s 15.65 dwelling units per acre.

“The Planning Commission had a couple of issues that were raised at that point and that’s why we deferred the decision,” said Hunter Mill Planning Commissioner Frank de la Fe.

“The Planning Commission raised the issue,” according to planning documents “ since most driveways were not long enough to accommodate a car and there were limited number of surface parking spaces available

On Wednesday, Sept. 14, the Planning Commission approved the amendments and the plan which includes five workforce dwelling units.

“The plan has been revised and the applicant has identified a place where such delivery, you know, delivery vehicles could be parked,” he said.

Length of urban townhome driveways, and width of urban townhouse garages, has been discussed at numerous recent applications before Planning Commission regarding the development of townhomes.

“The applicant added a delivery parking space and added proffers related to Transportation Demand Management, interparcel access and the disclosure of the garage dimensions to future homeowners,” according to Planning Commission staff documents. “The Planning Commission requested that the applicant revise the proffers to provide disclosure on the size of garages in the HOTA documents."