Hudgins on Reston National Golf Redevelopment

— Hunter Mill Supervisor Catherine Hudgins has issued the following statement regarding Reston National Golf Property:

“Recently there has been advertisment for the Reston National Golf course property, promoting the proposed redevelopment as a by-right, mixed use development opportunity. The property is located at 11875 Sunrise Valley Drive and 2018 Soapstone Drive, Reston – Tax Map reference: 17-4 ((11)) 4A, 26-2 ((2))8 and 26-2 ((5)) 4.

At this time, it is appropriate to reiterate the process for redeveloping this property, based on an interpretation by Fairfax County Department of Planning and Zoning stating the following:

* Based on the previous approvals, the redevelopment of the property from a golf course to residential uses would first require an amendment to the Reston Master Plan which is part of the Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan, as well as obtaining both Development Plan Amendment approval and Planned Residential Community Plan approval from the Board of Supervisors.

According to the interpretation, the process is clear and concise and must be followed in order for development other than a golf course or open space to be considered for the property.”