Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Herndon has begun discussing which projects should be included in the town’s $54 million Capital Improvement Program.
The CIP is a financial planning document that establishes a six-year schedule for public improvements and serves as a companion policy document to the town of Herndon 2030 Comprehensive Plan, as well as the town’s annual operating budget.
The total budget for the projects in the CIP for fiscal year 2018 through fiscal year 2023 is more than $54 million, but over $30 million in grants have been secured to help cover costs.
That means more than 56 percent of the projects proposed in the program would be funded through grants.
“We have a variety of funding sources,” says Dana Heiberg, a senior planner with the town. “[The grant funding is] very significant.”
The Herndon Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the CIP for fiscal year 2018 to fiscal year 2023 on Monday, Feb. 6, at 7 p.m. in the Herndon Council Chambers Building located at 765 Lynn Street.
It is anticipated that the commission will make a recommendation to the town manager. The town manager, or interim town manager, will then make a recommendation to the town council later in May.
This is because the town’s fiscal year 2018 annual budget must first be approved in April, according to Heiberg. The CIP will then make its way to the town council in May for public hearings and a vote, if the annual budget process goes smoothly.
Both the city manager and the town council can adjust the CIP.
“We typically have some adjustments as we go through the process,” says Heiberg. “This reflects what we believe have been the priorities to date, but we’re looking for feedback.”
The town’s fiscal years run from July 1 to June 30.
“If this program is adopted, it will begin to be implemented July 1,” says Heiberg.
For now, these 49 projects and their estimated costs were compiled by town staff and are currently listed on the proposed draft of the CIP that the planning commission will be reviewing:
1) Sports Field And Park Improvements, $2,091,000
This project would replace the natural turf of the Haley Smith Park soccer field with synthetic grass and would add lights.
2) Folly Lick/Spring Branch Regional Trail, $1,185,000
The project would develop a 3,000-foot segment of the trail between Herndon Parkway and Park Avenue.
3) Bready Park Tennis Court Renovation, $410,000
The project renovates three of the park’s six tennis courts by replacing the conduit and electrical boxes, and addressing the drainage around the three seasonal indoor courts.
4) W&OD Trail Lighting, $495,000
This is the final phase of the town’s lighting of the Washington and Old Dominion Trail, running approximately 3,800 feet from Van Buren Street to the connection with the Sugarland Run Trail.
5) Park Equipment Replacement Program, $150,000
This project would replace and improve playground equipment in town parks.
6) Herndon Community Center – Phase 5, $3,555,000
The project would add a second story to the center, replace its failing drain system and make improvements to meet federal Americans with Disabilities Act requirements.
7) Trailside Skate Park Expansion, $175,000
This project would repair wear and aging and expand the park by 5,000 square feet, as well as add spectator areas, benches and access pathways.
8) Runnymede Park Nature Center, $2,850,000
This project would construct a 4,000 square-foot nature center at Runnymede Park.
9) Town Hall Square Improvements, $50,000
This project would enhance the green area near the Old Town Hall at Elden, Station and Lynn streets by replacing the existing parking area between the Herndon Depot Museum and the Town Hall with gathering space. Space for temporary interactive art installations and possibly a space for a permanent art installation would also be added.
10) Trails To Herndon Metrorail, $640,000
This project would create better pedestrian and bicycle access to the metro entrance pavilion of the Silver Line’s Herndon station by adding sidewalk and asphalt trails from the intersection of Van Buren Street and Worldgate Drive.
11) Wayfinding Signs And Historic Markers, $280,000
The historic marker program is already underway. Town wayfinding signs are also planned to direct travelers to specific transportation facilities, civic and community buildings.
12) East Elden Street, $11,000
This Virginia Department of Transportation project will widen the street to six lanes with a divided median strip from Fairfax County Parkway to Van Buren Street.
13) Vehicular And Pedestrian Access To Herndon Metrorail, $3,457,000
This project would create better vehicular and pedestrian access to the Herndon metrorail station. Lanes along Herndon Parkway would accommodate Fairfax Connector buses and drivers who want to drop off passengers.
14) Van Buren Street Improvements (Old Spring St. To Herndon Parkway), $4,558,000
This project would rebuild a portion of the street to improve traffic capacity and space for cyclists and pedestrians.
15) Van Buren Street Improvements (Herndon Parkway to South Town Line), $2,630,000
This project would add cyclist and pedestrian facilities on the street, which would connect to existing facilities on the Monroe Street Bridge.
16) Worldgate Drive Extension, $0
This project is outlined in the town’s plan for the redevelopment of the Herndon metrorail station area and would extend the drive from Van Buren Street to Herndon Parkway.
17) Sterling Road Multi-Modal Improvements, $1,700,000
This project would convert a portion of the street from an undivided, three-lane roadway to a two-lane roadway with a median and middle lane for turning.
18) Bicycle Facilities & Accommodations, $268,000
This project would add bicycle facilities to connect missing links in the town's bicycle facility network.
19) Downtown Streets-Phase 3, $600,000
This project would continue widening and enhancing streetscapes with brick sidewalks, grated tree wells and other features consistent with the town’s downtown streetscape standards.
20) Elden-Center Streets Intersection Improvements, $1,830,000
This project would add a traffic light to the intersection and add brick sidewalks and storm drainage improvements.
21) GSA-Major Vehicle/Equipment Replacement, $3,750,000
This program would replace older town vehicles and major equipment over $50,000 on a phased basis in concert with their expected useful life.
22) Streetlights, $425,000
This project would install streetlights in older areas of town and areas that lack street lighting.
23) Storm Drainage Improvements, $800,000
This project would address local area drainage problems.
24) Buildings - Major Maintenance, $2,430,000
This project would maintain and repair town-owned facilities through heating, ventilation and air conditioning replacements, roof replacements and other refurbishments.
25) Sidewalks and Minor Trails, $1,035,000
This project would replace brick sidewalks, trail and concrete sidewalk segments that are planned in the town's 2030 Comprehensive Plan.
26) Herndon Parkway/Van Buren St. Intersection, $2,600,000
This project would provide traffic capacity and safety improvements to the intersection.
27) Herndon Parkway/Sterling Road Intersection, $330,000
This project would provide traffic capacity and safety improvements to the intersection.
28) Herndon Parkway/Spring Street Intersection to Fairfax County Parkway, $6,705,000
The Virginia Department of Transportation will administer, design and build this project, which will widen and reconstruct Spring Street from four to six lanes between Fairfax County Parkway and Herndon Parkway. The project will also add turning lanes on approaches to the intersection; reconfigure the Fairfax County Parkway off-ramp; and reconfigure existing traffic signals.
29) Downtown Utility Relocation, $2,925,000
This project would install underground duct banks for the future undergrounding and relocation of overhead utilities in the downtown redevelopment area on Station Street.
30) Major Road Repaving Projects, $1,275,000
This project would resurface and repave the town’s roadways that are in need of maintenance.
31) Elden-Monroe Intersection Improvements, $1,250,000
This project would redesign and reconstruct the intersection by adding a new traffic signal, brick crosswalks, sidewalks and storm drainage improvements.
32) Monroe Street Improvements, $965,000
This project would widen the street and add curb and gutter, storm drainage, lighting and new sidewalks.
33) Town Support Facilities, $80,000
The project would add space for town water and sewer crews who are working out of a building at 1481 Sterling Road.
34) Information Technology, $720,000
The network security appliances used to protect town systems are reaching their end of life. This project would replace hardware and software and engineer systems to meet traditional and emerging threats.
35) Police Radio Equipment, $841,000
Police radios and associated equipment would be replaced due to obsolescence, interoperability and encryption requirements.
36) Stream Restoration, $1,190,000
These projects would address the quality of the town's stream banks and stream valley conditions, which have been damaged due to urbanization.
37) Downtown Redevelopment-Parking and Arts Center, $0
This project would develop public parking as well as an arts center within a larger project in accordance with the town’s comprehensive plan.
38) Clubhouse Expansion - Phase Three, $172,000
This project would modernize and add new amenities to the golf course clubhouse, which was constructed in 1980.
39) Golf Course Master Plan Improvements, $871,000
The Herndon Centennial Golf Course Master Plan provides for improvements to include course playability, aesthetics and maintainability. Upgrades to the clubhouse entrance, parking lot and the associated landscaping would be included in this project.
40) General Water Maintenance and Replacement, $3,312,000
This program would replace major components of the town’s water distribution system.
41) Water - Major Vehicles/Equipment, $335,000
This program would replace older town vehicles and major equipment over $50,000 on a phased basis in concert with their expected useful life.
42) Sewer - Major Vehicles/Equipment, $470,000
This program would replace older town vehicles and major equipment over $50,000 on a phased basis in concert with their expected useful life.
43) Sewer Utility Master Plan Improvements, $3,241,000
This program would construct and upgrade major components of the town’s sewer conveyance system.
44) Sewer Capacity Purchase, $22,000,000
This program would add treatment capacity allocations for the town at the Blue Plains Water Treatment Plant.
45) Sewer Main Relining and Manhole Rehab Program, $3,000,000
The program would rehabilitate sections of the town’s sewer conveyance system that have been identified to be in less than favorable condition.
46) Water Utility Master Plan Improvements, $3,308,000
This program would construct and upgrade major components to the town’s water distribution system.
47) Water Capacity Purchase, $10,699,000
This program would add treatment capacity allocations for the town through Fairfax Water.
48) Water Storage Tank Rehabilitation, $1,130,000
This program would maintain and repair the town's existing elevated water storage tanks.
49) Chestnut Grove Cemetery, $0
This project would develop approximately 3,000 burial sites at the cemetery.