Thursday, March 2, 2017
Alexandria The governance of Alexandria should be accessible and accountable.
According to the city Strategic Plan, by 2022 Alexandria’s government should be responsive to the community and focused on improving quality of life. To this end, the strategic plan recommends a series of actions for FY2018.
Expand the customer account and payment portal
Seek financing opportunities for complex public infrastructure projects
Successfully update the five-year financial planning model for FY 2018-2022
Develop a city mobile application
Establish a single point of contact for all non-emergency government services (such as a 311 number)
Establish a new cable franchise agreement through an open process
Implement Stormwater Utility
Begin implementation of the Sanitary Sewer Long Term Control Plan
Begin study of conditions and special maintenance requirements of city-owned museums and historic structures, including the newly acquired Reeder House.
According to Craig Fifer, director of the Office of Communications for the City of Alexandria, projects exploring alternative financing include a special tax district and regional grants for the Potomac Yard Metro Station and the stormwater utility fee that shifts the burden to property owners who contribute to stormwater runoff. The proposed stormwater utility fee is being considered as part of the FY 2018 budget. First payment on the fee would be due June 2018, if approved.
The Sanitary Sewer Long Term Control Plan addresses sewer discharges from outfalls across the city. The original plan delayed work on the Oronoco Bay outfall but impending state legislation will likely force the city to accelerate those plans. According to Christina Melvin-DeWees, acting communications officer for the Department of Transportation and Environmental Services, the city’s revised plan has been submitted to the Department of Environmental Quality and is awaiting review.
Fifer also said beta testing has started on an app that would allow users to more easily report problems and request services through the Call.Click.Connect customer service portal. The app would provide users with additional news, emergency alerts, and calendar events related to Alexandria.
Next, the Strategic Plan lays out strategies for safety and emergency response in Alexandria.