Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Raphael Schklowsky’s eyes are on the stage, which is transitioning to a new scene. Several students move scene pieces along the stage in a rehearsal. “Creating set transitions that are visually engaging so the audience does not check out can be a challenge,” said Schklowsky.
This is his second year as director of the Herndon drama department, and the students and staff look forward to the November production of Shakespeare’s holiday comedy “Twelfth Night, or What You Will.”
“Shakespeare plays have often been done [here] in the spring, but I don’t think enough people got to experience it, and I love the classics,” said Schklowsky. “My goal is education, and Shakespeare is just as edgy as any contemporary writer.”
This production has approximately 40 students involved in both cast and crew, and it will be entered for the Cappies competition. The Cappies (Critics and Awards Program) is a program for recognizing, celebrating, and providing learning experiences for high school theater and journalism students and teenage playwrights.
The November show is a double cast production, with an evening cast that will do four shows, and a matinee cast which will do two shows. The students and crew have been rehearsing since September for this play. “This has been really fun,” said senior Shivam Shrivastava, who is playing the character Malvolio. The play “Twelfth Night” centers on twins Viola and Sebastian, who are separated in a shipwreck. Viola (who is disguised as a man, Cesario) falls in love with Duke Orsino, who in turn is in love with the Countess Olivia. Upon meeting Viola, Countess Olivia becomes smitten, thinking she is a man.
In addition to studies and work on the “Twelfth Night” production, the Herndon improv team has been active. Herndon High School Theatre sent its improv team to Mount Vernon HS for the first countywide improv competition of the year.
“Not only did the team put forward a great effort after most of them had been pouring their hearts out in ‘Twelfth Night’ rehearsals, but they won the whole darn competition! I could not be more proud of the team, and more grateful for the dedication of the team’s captains who have approached this year with a sense of purpose and leadership,” said Schklowsky. One student on the Hendon improve team is junior Rose Bailey, who will play the witty jester, Feste.
“It is really nice to work with a director with a different style,” said freshman Ryen Weston, who will play Olivia in the matinee. This production is set in the Roaring 1920s, and will include some jazz background music and references to vaudeville theatre.
Freshman Leilani Johnson, who will play Viola in the matinee expects audiences will appreciate the pairing of 1920s jazz music with this Shakespeare comedy.
“The students work so hard and do so well together, they all chip in to make it happen,” said Rene Maxwell, a drama booster and mother to junior Erin Maxwell. Erin has the role of the character Viola. “I am essentially playing two people, so it is interesting,” said Erin.