Monday, April 16, 2018
Northern Virginia’s WSC Avant Bard, a professional theater company, will present a reading of “Natural Shocks,” a new play by Lauren Gunderson at 1st Stage. The reading is to raise awareness about gun violence.
The award-winning Gunderson, the most-produced playwright in America, has made “Natural Shocks” available royalty-free for local readings across the country to raise awareness and funds to address gun violence.
“Natural Shocks,” the Avant Bard's presentation at 1st Stage, is the D.C. area’s participation in a national event by theater companies on issues surrounding gun violence and domestic violence. The event is free, but donations received will support a charitable cause that addresses issues of gun violence and domestic violence.
“Natural Shocks” is a 65-minute, one-woman play about a woman waiting out an imminent tornado in her basement. She reveals dark secrets that put gun violence front and center. The play is part confessional, part standup, and part reckoning.
The reading will be directed by Northern Virginia’s Stevie Zimmerman and will feature actor Sara Barker.