Tuesday, March 13, 2018
The Arlington county offices are due for an overhaul. At the March 17 County Board meeting, the board will consider awarding a $2.6 million contract to Architecture Inc. to redesign the interior of the county offices in the Ellen M. Bozman Government Center on Courthouse Square. The approval would involve funding for part two of a two-part planning and design process. County documents show key enhancements identified for the building include a greater civic presence, consolidation of the public facing services, security and meeting areas. The total project renovation budget is $35.9 million.
The county recently negotiated extending its lease on the building for 15 years in February 2017. The county will pay no rent on the building from Nov. 1, 2018 to Oct. 31, 2019, saving $9.9 million and gaining a $2.5 million broker rebate.
The County Board will also consider awarding $289,324 to Sagres Construction Corporation to build a sidewalk eastbound on Old Dominion Drive between North Thomas Street and Fire Station 3, completing the long-term sidewalk project on this stretch of Old Dominion Drive.