Wednesday, May 16, 2018
John and Jill Phillips of Potomac volunteered to help with the Canoe Cruisers Association Potomac Downriver whitewater race on the Potomac River on Saturday, May 12, and helped out near the finish of the race at Sycamore Island.
This Maryland Canoe & Kayak Racing Series event begins at Rocky Island on the Potomac River just above Wet Bottom Rapid and continues for 7.5 miles to Sycamore Island. The race also will be a USA Wildwater Ranking Race.
This is a race for any whitewater paddler from the pros to parent/child tandem teams, but this is not a novice race. All participants should have experience in, and be comfortable with, Class III rapids. Participants may enter with any type of a boat provided it is properly outfitted with adequate flotation (air bags) and all occupants of the boat are wearing a helmet and a PFD (life jacket).
To learn more about the Canoe Cruisers Association, see